Is She a Jerk for Refusing to Replace Her Daughter’s Graduation Photo With Her Husband’s?
Are you ready for another installment of “Family Drama Time”?!?!
It comes to us from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page and you better believe that it got people talking.
But was this woman a jerk for what she did to her husband?
Let’s see what the heck is really going on here in the story below…
AITA for refusing to take down my daughter’s graduation photo and replace it with my husband’s graduation photo?
“My daughter (18) graduated high school and I hung a photo of her graduation party on the living room wall. She wants to go to a community college and we’ll live with me and her stepdad while doing that.
My husband recently earned his master’s degree and yesterday, he showed me his graduation photo that he framed and prepared to hung. I asked where we were gonna hang it and he said the living room. I said “great! right next to Amy’s graduation photo then”.
He said not next to it but instead of it. I was puzzled I asked why and he said that he didn’t feel it was right having his graduation photo, a master’s degree be hung next to a high school graduation photo, a high school degree. He said that both photos have “different weight and value” and suggested I take my daughter’s photo down and hang his instead.
I was fuming because he refused to let her photo be hung anywhere near his and by that he has claimed the entire wall. I refused and said this photo has been here for months! and my daughter deserves to have it on display for encouragement. He got upset and said that I was making it a big deal and could instead just use the hallway hall or something but I refused.
We had an argument about it and he kept insisting on having her graduation photo be taken down and not be hung on the same wall as his due to difference in degree value and weight and also he thought that a high school photo isn’t hang-on wall worthy and called me inconsiderate of his feelings. he says it’s disrespectful to him and his efforts and said that I’ choosing this “hill” to d** on was ridiculous.
AITA for choosing this hill to d** on?”
Check out how folks reacted on Reddit.
This reader said she’s NTA and she should hang his over the toilet.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another individual said this situation is not healthy at all based on her husband’s behavior.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And another Reddit user said the husband’s behavior is totally cringeworthy.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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