Is He Wrong for Asking His Wife Rhetorically if She Wants Their Son to Get Hurt? People Responded.
Rhetorical questions can sometimes lead to hurt feelings.
It can make people feel dumb or irresponsible…or even dangerous.
And a man took to Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page to see if he went too far when he asked his wife a rhetorical question.
Read on to see what happened.
AITA for asking my wife rhetorically if she wants our son to get hurt?
“I [M28] live with my wife Macey [F28].
We have an infant son named Leo. Leo is our first and only child, and is 5 months old. Macey works part-time and I work full-time.
Macey works on Tuesdays but I don’t. Macey normally leaves the house at around 8:00AM to get to work on time, but I like to take the opportunity to sleep in when I can get it.
Whenever Macey gets ready for work, Leo will usually start crying in his crib even after he’s had his first feed of the day. This doesn’t wake me up unless he’s been crying for a little while because I’m a heavy sleeper.
For the past two Tuesdays, Macey has decided to take Leo out of his crib and put him in our bed with me right before she leaves for work, even though I’m sound asleep. She doesn’t do anything to wake me up because she’s leaving for work, and Leo stops crying when she puts him in our bed.
Luckily nothing bad has happened yet but I know the risks of putting a baby in a normal bed with an adult sleeping in it. Leo crawls and I’m worried that he could fall out of the bed and hurt himself.
I talked to Macey about this and told her to just leave Leo in his crib when she’s getting ready for work.
Macey got annoyed and said that she can’t “just leave him to cry”, and said I’m a bad father for not noticing and waking up when Leo is in the bed, saying that if it was her, she’d notice and wake up. I got angry and told Macey that she’s being unreasonable and asked her what she thought would happen if Leo fell out of the bed. I asked her if she wanted Leo to get injured.
Macey got really mad and has gone to stay with her sister for a couple of days and took Leo with her, and hasn’t been answering my texts or calls. She still hasn’t come home.
I’ve never seen Macey this angry with me before so I’m wondering if I was the AH for how I approached this.”
Now let’s see how Reddit users responded.
One person said everyone in this story sucks.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this Reddit user said this guy is more of an a**hole than his wife and he needs to help her out.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another individual said this guy needs to start acting like a grown-up.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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