January 23, 2023 at 8:02 am

Single Mom Says She Has Three Work-From-Home Jobs To Make Ends Meet

by Trisha Leigh

Work-from-home jobs aren’t as hard to find as they used to be. Remote work has become more and more the norm, but finding the jobs that are well-paid enough and flexible enough and even have benefits can be harder than it seems.

This single mother knew she had to do something when she was behind on rent and without Christmas presents for her kids, though, and claims it took three work-from-home jobs to get it done.

Screen Shot 2023 01 15 at 10.28.40 PM Single Mom Says She Has Three Work From Home Jobs To Make Ends Meet

Image Credit: TikTok

TikTok user Kay (@thtgirlkayy) throws peace signs at the camera and has swagger to spare as she brags about her accomplishments.

“When you’re 3mo behind on rent, single mom, broke, no money for Xmas. So you find 3 WFH jobs & you catch up & your kids have presents under the tree.”

The caption says she’s not going to elaborate, even though “no one could everrr” make her feel bad about her lines of work.

Screen Shot 2023 01 15 at 10.28.25 PM Single Mom Says She Has Three Work From Home Jobs To Make Ends Meet

Image Credit: TikTok

She does say that she’s happy to give details to anyone who wants to message her email address, which is listed in her bio.

She reiterated this point to a commenter who groused that people who love working from home never want to talk about what they do.

Others said they were jealous and have been looking for work-from-home jobs for months without success.

Some commenters were fellow single moms who had similar stories.

Screen Shot 2023 01 15 at 10.28.33 PM Single Mom Says She Has Three Work From Home Jobs To Make Ends Meet

Image Credit: TikTok

“Single mommy…Just got my second one today! Currently looking for my third…2023 is definitely a money mission!”

While this person suggests those who can’t find work might not be looking in the right places.

“And this is how I got into adult entertainment. Within a month got caught up on everything and never left my house.”


No one could everrr make me feel bad about what I do ‼️💯 PERIOD. & if you want help or have questions, send me a message! I want everyone to win. #wfh #remotejobs #workfromhome #workfromhomelife #wfhcheck #singlemomsaga

♬ Outta There – MoeIsBetter

Good luck in the trenches out there, y’all.

Don’t give up until you’re caught up.

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