What Happens When The Term “Child-Free” Gets Wildly Misapplied?
More and more people are choosing to be child-free these days, and no, getting older does not necessarily mean they’ll change their mind.
Some people say they don’t want kids from a young age and do change their minds later, but others live happy lives as not-parents forever.
This kid is only 16, but he says he’s definitely child-free.
My brother (Brandon) is 16 and decided he is childfree.
Which basically just means he doesn’t want to be around our 4 years old little cousin.
Which is fine, except he thinks that means he’s allowed to act as if his 4yo cousin doesn’t exist.
According to OP he flat-out ignores her and leaves the room if she’s trying to talk to him, and finally OP had enough.
We have dinner at our grandparents every other weekend together with all our aunts/uncles and cousins. Brandon never liked our little cousin, and recently he decided that that means he doesn’t have to talk to her or acknowledge her existence at all.
Brandon will 100% ignore her and if she keeps trying to talk to him, he will stand up and go to another room. The parents don’t really care about it, they are usually busy with talking to each other and don’t pay attention to us.
She called him out on the rude/mean behavior and tried to tell him that being child-free doesn’t mean he’s allowed to treat kids like crap.
Last weekend, Brandon was ignoring our little cousin once again. She was showing him her drawings, when he stood up and went away. She started crying and I went after Brandon to call him out on it.
He said he was childfree and he doesn’t have to engage with children if he doesn’t want to. He is not rude or mean to her, so he is not doing anything wrong. I told him he can’t be childfree when he is a child himself and he is being mean to our cousin.
He then acted like I committed the most atrocious crime for “not believing he knows he will never want children” and has been sending me links about people knowing really young that they don’t want children.
But that’s not what I meant at all, I was calling him out on being mean to a 4 years old little girl just because and I don’t care if he will ever have children or not. AITA?
Is she right or wrong? I can’t wait to see how Reddit answers this one!
The top comment says knowing you don’t want kids is not a free pass to treat children poorly.

Image Credit: Reddit
They say it just doesn’t work that way.

Image Credit: Reddit
This person really hopes this teen AH doesn’t turn into a full adult one someday.

Image Credit: Reddit
There’s no excuse for being rude, actually.

Image Credit: Reddit

Image Credit: Reddit
Y’all, this is just hilarious.
But also sad for that 4yo. I hope this kid wises up.

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