Is She Wrong for Sending Her Brother a List of the Things His Son Ruined at Her House? People Responded.
by Matthew Gilligan
Let’s go through this item by item, shall we?
Uh oh…that doesn’t sound too good, does it?
No it does not!
But we don’t have all the details here, now do we?
So what do you say we get the whole story below and THEN we can see if this woman acted like an a**hole?
Sound good?
Get started now!
AITA for sending my brother a list of every item of ours that my nephew ruined?
“For the context, I (25F) have a niece (Bella – 7F) and a nephew (Michael – 10M). They’re my brother Alex’s kids. I love them both but I have a much closer relationship with Bella.
Michael is a good kid, but he is a ticking time bomb. He is absolutely uncontrollable. I’m his aunt and I love him but I really can’t have him around for long. The last time he was in our house he poured my nailpolish collection onto my wife’s favourite silk Persian carpet. And that isn’t even 1% of the damage he has done.
My wife (27F) and I recently bought a villa out of town. It has a game room, pool, and many things Bella adores. So we offered to give her a tour of the place and let her check out the rose garden there, if Alex and his wife agreed.
Alex said either both Michael and Bella were to be included or none of them were going. My wife and I both insisted to only take Bella but he was not having it so we said we would just go by ourselves.
Alex got really mad at us and said it was disgusting that we favored Bella because she was a girl and that we were both hypocritical and unfair to Michael, and never included him in our plans.
I told my brother that Michael was an uncontrollable kid. He had the audacity to ask what Michael had done. I told him I’d let him know (I’ve told him the items over the years as it happened but he always said it was an accident and that Michael’s a boy and boys play rough). I made a table including every item my nephew damages in our house and the estimated cost.
It included a few of my wife’s antique vases, her glass statue of the Eiffel tower, carpet, several of my wife’s crystal decorative items and two phones (he flushed them down the toilet). Even the mirror of my car. I sent the list to Alex.
He is now extremely angry with me, and thinks I am being an arrogant person, and taking after my wife’s trait of being an uptight rich kid. I am not talking to him at the moment. Was what I did AH territory?”
Here’s what folks had to say on Reddit.
One reader said she’s NTA and it’s not her fault that her brother didn’t like the answer.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And one individual shared an interesting thought.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another Reddit user said this kid is in for a rough time because of his parents’ behavior.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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