Man Asks if He’s Wrong Because His Wife Got Mad at Him About Mother’s Day
by Matthew Gilligan
Guys, sometimes you just can’t get anything right…
Does that sound familiar?
You know it does!
And it seems like the guy who wrote the story below is in the dog house because his wife was not pleased with him on Mother’s Day.
But was this his fault?
Check out what he had to say…
AITA – wife doesn’t like having the day off or my card?
“My wife told me yesterday: “All I want for Mother’s Day is to have the day completely off. I don’t need or want anything else.”
I confirmed with her multiple times, and then started planning a day for my two boys and I.
Today comes by, I intercept my oldest son at 7am before he comes into our room. We go downstairs to watch his favorite morning show and to eat breakfast.
The moment I heard my youngest wake up, I got him out of his crib and downstairs.
We finish breakfast, and I have them start working on handmade cards for my wife.
when I hear her get up, we surprise her with the cards from the kids.
Here is where things go wrong.
My wife asks me: “Did you write me anything?” I told her I was working on it, but wasn’t done, I had been busy with the kids and wanted to finish it up. She was not happy.
I quickly finish it up, and sent it to her.
a note on this, I’m not a very well spoken person, I have a hard time putting my thoughts together, so I used google to turn my thoughts into a letter. She knows I struggle in this area.
I come inside, and she tells me that I “plagiarized” and used google for her letter. I told her I absolutely did, but that the main points were mine.
I then sent her the “original” and she scoffed and said “that’s it?”
So Reddit
am I the a**hole for using google to make myself sound elegant?
am I the a**hole for not writing “enough” in my original?
Final thought – She told me “all she wanted was a day off.” She is still getting that, and is currently out with all her girlfriends.”
Here’s what Reddit users said about this.
One person said he’s NTA and made a funny comment.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another person said it sounds like his wife is the one who has the problem.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this individual said that this guy didn’t do much to make his wife feel special.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Yeah dude… you could have done much better.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, marriage, reddit, relationships, top, white text

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