She Called the Cops on a Neighbor Who Took a Package off Her Porch. Did She Go Too Far?
by Matthew Gilligan
Things can get really testy and really complicated when it comes to neighbors you don’t get along with.
There’s a lot of bad blood and a whole lotta suspicious going on.
But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do…and that might even include calling the police.
Did this woman go too far when she called the fuzz on her neighbor?
Read on to get all the details.
AITA For calling the cops on my neighbor after they took a package off my porch?
“I (38F) live alone in the house I grew up in.
It was left to me by my mother after she passed away 10 years ago. About 4 years ago, a couple about my age moved in next door and we’ve pretty much been at odds since day one. There have been numerous times and issues that we’ve disagreed on.
I have 3 cats that I sometimes let out into my backyard. My neighbors have a dog that would jump the 5-foot chain link fence separating our yards to chase my cats. I told my neighbors if I caught their dog doing it again, I would call the cops.
They actually had the audacity to ask if I would be willing to split the cost of a taller privacy fence instead of, you know, training your dog not to jump the fence. Obviously, I refused as I wasn’t the one causing the problem and the fence is technically on their property anyway. They ended up putting in a taller fence.
Then, they asked me to split the cost of taking down an Ash tree that was on their property. It had become infested with some bug that killed the tree and dead limbs were falling on their driveway.
They had the city come out and the survey guy said the tree was actually about 10% on my property. I told them the tree was theirs and if they want it down, they’ll have to pay for it because I don’t have a problem with it.
Needless to say, we’re not friends. They’ve also thrown some loud, late-night parties that included bonfires and loud music that I had to call the cops for as well.
I am currently out of town visiting family for a couple weeks. I have a friend who comes over to my house everyday to check on my cats and check for mail and packages. I have medication for my cats that are delivered regularly.
I got a notification the other day that some packages were delivered, so I texted my friend to let them know. But before my friend could get there, I got a notification from my Ring doorbell.
I pulled up the live feed and saw my neighbor on my patio. I asked him what he was doing and he said a package of theirs got delivered to my house by mistake so he was just grabbing it.
I told him to leave and that my friend would bring over his package when she comes over. He said he’s not waiting for that and tried to leave. I told him if he takes a package from my porch I’m calling the cops.
He shoved the package in front of the camera and said “That’s my name and address, OP. I’m taking my package.” Then he walked away. So, I called the police and told them that he stole a package from me and I have video proof. They said they would investigate.
When my friend got there a little later, the police were talking to my neighbors. The police must have left while she was checking on my cats, because when she went to leave it was just my neighbors outside.
The husband yelled at her to tell me that I’m a huge a**hole and that I need to take the police off speed-dial and let them deal with more important sh!t instead of using them as my own personal problem-solving service.”
Check out how people reacted to this story on Reddit.
This reader said she’s an a**hole…no doubt about it.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this Reddit user said this is a bad situation but she’s an a**hole for what she did.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And another individual said they were on her side for some of the argument but what she did about the package was out of line.

Photo Credit: Reddit
What would you have done in this situation?

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