These “Highly Maneuverable” UFO’s Seem To Defy Physics
by Trisha Leigh
UFO sightings are pretty common and actually not inherently attributed to alien spacecraft. They’re simply what the acronym says – unidentified things flying through the air.
Some of the recent sightings are suspect, says both Harvard and the Pentagon, due to the physics-defying maneuvering seen in the videos.
The Pentagon’s Sean Kirpatrick and Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb recently published their findings in a study that’s still awaiting peer review.

Image Credit: YouTube
They looked at the friction that should have been created between a fast-moving UFO and the air or water surrounding it (just like the videos)
The UFO’s in the sightings do appear to defy the laws of physics, since a “bright optical fireball” should have been created and have resulted in a radio signature detectable by radar.
They weren’t, though – so maybe aliens are at play?

Image Credit: YouTube
According to Kirpatrick and Loeb, the answer is still probably not.
Instead, they blame inadequate instruments.
“The lack of all these signatures could imply inaccurate distance measurements (and hence derived velocity) for single site sensors. Typical UAP sightings are too far away to get a highly resolved image of the object and determination of the object’s motion is limited by the lack of range data.”
This is coming from a man (Loeb) who definitely believes in aliens and their ability to explore the universe, so sadly, it seems this isn’t “the” moment of contact.
That said, neither of them are willing to make any firm conclusions without better and more accurate measurements.
“If some observed UAP are of extraterrestrial origin, there are some practical limits on the interpretation of observed and measured data resulting from physics-based constraints.”
The truth may still be out there.
In fact, it seems like it probably is.
Categories: NATURE/SPACE
Tags: · aliens, outer space, sci-fi, science, space, top, ufos, video, viral

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