June 14, 2023 at 12:19 pm

They Told Their Mom That Their Brother Didn’t Include Their Son in a Slumber Party. Are They Wrong?

by Matthew Gilligan

AITASlumberParty They Told Their Mom That Their Brother Didn’t Include Their Son in a Slumber Party. Are They Wrong?

Do you remember when you were younger and certain kids didn’t get invited to parties or sleepovers?

Yeah, it was always a huge bummer!

And it might have even happened to you at some point.

And the person who wrote this story seems pretty fired up that their son didn’t get an invite…but did they act like an a**hole for pushing back?

Read on to get all the details and see what you think.

AITA for telling my mom that my brother didn’t invite my son over for a slumber party?

“I have a 10 yo son “Julian” who is pretty close with my nephew/his cousin ” Parker.” You can’t separate them when they ate together. I live two blocks away from my brother, his wife and Parker.

I asked my brother on Friday if Parker wanted Julian to spend the weekend at his house since it was a long weekend. My brother said they had already made plans. I asked what plans and maybe Parker would like to have Julius to tag along so he has a playmate. He said it was something for his wife.

On Saturday I found out that my brother lied. Parker actually had a slumber party. I found out because I saw them all walking to Denny’s yesterday morning. I called my brother out and he said he didn’t want my son to feel left out so he lied. He said it didn’t feel “right” to have an innocent 10yo around a bunch of 12yo boys because they’d “eat him alive.”

I said that was bulls**t and he needs to text Julius right now and ask if he’d like to join this weekend slumber party because he’ll be crushed if he finds out that he was left out. He said no.

So I ended up calling our mom who lives with my brother and explained the situation. That caused a lot of drama between her and my brother and my SIL. But my son got invited and declined because he is holding out to go to the aquarium.

My brother was livid and I said that if he had asked in the first place then none of this wouldn’t had happen and there would be no drama.”

Here’s what people said on Reddit.

One person said they’re an a**hole and they explained why.

Screen Shot 2023 06 11 at 6.26.59 PM They Told Their Mom That Their Brother Didn’t Include Their Son in a Slumber Party. Are They Wrong?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual shared what’s really going on here.

Screen Shot 2023 06 11 at 6.27.14 PM They Told Their Mom That Their Brother Didn’t Include Their Son in a Slumber Party. Are They Wrong?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said they’re an a**hole and said there’s a big difference between 10 and 12-year-olds.

Screen Shot 2023 06 11 at 6.27.51 PM They Told Their Mom That Their Brother Didn’t Include Their Son in a Slumber Party. Are They Wrong?

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this situation? Would you have been angry that your brother lied?