What’s A Crazy Fact That Once You Realized It You Can Never Unlearn It?
by Matthew Gilligan
Have you ever had an experience where you learned something new or suddenly realized something and it totally blew your mind?
Those realizations are the best!
And today we’re gonna hear the experiences that AskReddit users had like this.
Take a look!
Pretty amazing.
“It still blows my mind that I can walk without thinking about moving specific muscles.
Like, I can just go around thinking dumb thoughts while my body just contracts the necessary muscles to move all these appendages just because I pointed in a direction and thought “go.””
Look at you!
“That every time you shuffle a deck of cards it’s extremely likely that no deck of cards in history has ever been in the same order you just shuffled your deck to.”
Up in the sky.
“The light from the stars we see were emitted thousands of thousands of years ago and could potentially be from stars that are no longer there.”
“Sometimes it’s more important to like your colleagues than the actual job.
I had terrible jobs with the most amazing colleagues and had terrible colleagues and the most amazing job.
I’d pick the first one every time.”
“Al**hol is poison.
Vomiting while dr**k means that your body thinks it’s being poisoned and it want to get rid of the poison.”
“How bizarre acting is.
I got really high once and I was watching a movie and it dawned on me how strange the whole thing is , you get random people pretending to be other people for my entertainment…weird.”
Kind of depressing.
“Very few people actually care about you.
Like a surprisingly small number.
You are a mirror for 99.9% of the people you will meet in life, and most of the time their reaction to you is a reflection of their inner selves.”
A good list.
“We live closer to the T-rex than the T-rex to Stegosaurus.
Cleopatra lived closer to us than she did the building of the Pyramids at Giza
Wooly Mammoths existed when the Pyramids were being built.
The Appalachian Mountains are older than bones. By tens of million of years.
Humans migrated to Australia before they got to Europe.
Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA is found in most humans not from Africa.
Squid largely evolved themselves out of themselves out of the fossil record.”
That’s life.
“You d**.
No matter what, how good or bad you do, how hard you fight or how fast you give up.
Eventually we all just… D**. Everyone does it, and fairly quickly, no one will remember your failures or successes. Your name might live a few millenia but eventually no one cares.
It’s freeing. You’re free to be you. F**k that person, say that dumb s**t, eat that coney, just be a person amongst uncountable billions that lived and d**d. It’s all you, go live, laugh, love, you white basic bi**h.”
It doesn’t matter.
“That how small we are compared to the universe and how our problems don’t matter just like us.
We are a multicellular specie living in the universe’s TINY super cluster’s TINY galaxy’s TINY solar system’s TINY star’s TINY PLANET’S TINY nation.
And you’re still brainf**ked over your job? Relax! Nothing really matters, eventually everything will d** out.
So, do whatever you want, live your best life and make sure you had a fun time. Go ahead, have a fun time because we all will have to leave any second now. Good Luck.”
For all the moms out there.
“Childbirth is not a smooth process and human bodies are not at all optimized for delivery.
Every one of our mothers and our mother’s mothers went through hell to bring us into this world.”
Mind officially blown!
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · askreddit, reddit, white text

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