‘Conor McGregor. A lot of people seem to think he was homeless.’ What “Rags to Riches” Stories Are Complete Lies? Here’s What People Had to Say.
by Matthew Gilligan
It’s funny how a popular myth can take hold and people continue to buy into it…
And a big one is the classic “rags to riches” story that we’ve heard about over and over.
But some of those stories are actually total BS.
And AskReddit users were nice enough to fill us in!
Take a look!
I’m from the hood!
“Drake grew up in a “ghetto” (in Canada) yet could afford to play hockey as a kid, was on TV at 15 because of connections, and his first concert was as the opening for Ice Cube.
Definitely didn’t “start from the bottom.””
False story.
“Ed Sheeran.
There was even a false story he was “homeless” in his early career, no doubt pushed by his record label.
Reality: he went to private school and has rich parents.”
“Didn’t Kylie Jenner get an award for “Youngest Self-Made Billionaire? or something ridiculous like that?
We all know she didn’t do that herself…”
There you go.
“Jeff Bezos was a hedge fund manager and VP at a banking firm before he founded Amazon.
His grandparents were well-to-do energy politicians.”
“Bill Gates starting Microsoft in his garage.
His mother was the child of a banker who was the child of a Federal Reserve chairman.
She was also on the board of IBM, University of Washington, a major bank, and United Way. His father was a lawyer.”
“Kid Rock.
He cosplays as a poor boy who got rich.”
Oh, boy…
“Donald Trump.
Trump used to claim that he got his start with “a small loan of one million dollars” but in fact he was given over 400 million dollars and a Manhattan real estate portfolio worth nearly a billion dollars.”
“Billie Eilish.
People think she did it herself as a young teen but her family has been in the industry for years.”
Isn’t that ironic?
“Mao Zedong.
His father was a very wealthy farmer.
Matter of fact, the wealthiest in his region.”
The fighter.
“Conor McGregor.
A lot of people seem to think he was homeless. He wasn’t. I grew up around the corner from his family home.
His family wasn’t rich, but they certainly weren’t poor either.”
“Dave Ramsey gives financial advice despite being born into money. In his twenties he was able to secure huge loans from the bank as his family pulled some strings for him.
Banks would never have agreed to loaning him the money otherwise. Then he went bankrupt cuz the bank changed its mind and wanted their money back asap which he couldn’t pay back.
Now he made back his money selling his financial advice despite the fact he’s had a leg up this whole time and doesn’t actually have experience making it as a commoner like the people who he’s advising.
The irony…”
Uh oh…
“Taylor Swift.
The narrative is that she was discovered in Nashville.
In reality, her dad is a super rich Merrill Lynch executive who used his connections $$$ to get her “discovered” and played on the radio.”
Yeah, I bet a lot of these kinds of stories are made up.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · askreddit, money, rags to riches, red border, reddit, top, wealth, wealthy

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