‘I woke up and had the odd feeling that something or someone was present.’ People Share Stories About the Creepiest Things They’ve Ever Witnessed
by Justin Gardner
I don’t want to sound paranoid, but it’s a fact: the world can be a really scary place.
And we all see frightening things from time to time during our lives.
Let’s hear from folks on AskReddit about the scariest things they’ve ever seen.
Hang on tight!
“Was working in a restaurant. Nice place.
That night we held a charity dinner for a “youth in need” type of house.
The guy representing the house, a worker there, was such a nice and kind man. Every teen there was only saying nice thing of him. A good soul, that was giving every thing he could for these teens.
At one point they gave a big cheque for the charity. I must guess an amount they rarely received.
Well under the excitement, that poor man had a cardiac arrest. Dropped there on the stage, check in hand.
He couldn’t be brought back. He d**d.
Seeing this was already bad enough, but the kids everywhere in the restaurant screaming and crying for hours after…. haunting.”
Truly Scary.
“One random night in middle school I woke up and had the odd feeling that something or someone was present in the house and coming towards my room.
I was scared so I closed my eyes to pretend to be asleep. I could faintly hear something come in my room and it felt like someone was standing over me, looking to make sure I was asleep. I laid on my back, eyes shut, until the feeling passed, and ended up falling asleep.
I woke up in the morning to find out that our house was robbed.”
“Well dressed 50 something business dude on a quiet Chicago L train reading a Wall Street Journal.
Pretty woman with long curly hair dozing in the seat in front of him, her hair dangling behind the seat. The guy is rubbing and playing with her hair while reading his paper so I figure she’s his wife or girlfriend who just wanted some space to nap.
He is now intently rubbing and fondling her hair and not reading anymore. Suddenly she snaps awake and pulls in her hair like a bug was in it or something. She gets off at the next stop, he continues reading. They didn’t know each other at all.”
“I was about 8 and walking in a field along brambles with my Grandmother picking blackberries and generally having a fun time. The area was walking distance from her home so it wasn’t as if we were anywhere remote.
We came across a small area kind of hidden through an archway of bushes. Inside the area and underneath an overhanging tree, really secluded and off of any kind of path, we found a shallow dug rectangle grave shape with black, burned marks inside on the dirt. I remember my Grandmother just saying “ok let’s go home” and we went home.
Later on I heard my Grandad confirming with my Grandmother that it would have been the spot where the guy tried to burn the body of a girl who had been recently m**dered in their town. The case had been solved but the crime scene must have just been left as that hole.
It was all over the news just before that but I was too young to really know about it. I have that photo image of how creepy that hole was to see to this day in my memory.”
Stay away.
“I was in a restaurant years ago on lunch break. At the time I was a very thin 25 year old woman.
There was this big creepy guy sitting there who would NOT stop staring at me from the moment I walked in the door. I mean just open face staring without blinking for the entire 15 minutes I was eating several seats away.
I asked for a box and left early to get away from him. As I walked out he said, “You shouldn’t be out alone. Someone’s going to grab you and steal you away.” 100% convinced creepazoid had someone locked up in his basement.”
Good thing you weren’t alone.
“About 25 years ago, a few days after my cousin’s wedding, a large group of us decided to go out drinking one night in Portland, ME.
We decided to walk from my aunt’s house to the bar and back so no one would be driving. On the way back from the bar, we cut down a dark residential street, and there was a large guy just standing there holding a hammer. It’s like 2 am, and there is this large guy just standing in the street holding a hammer.
A few of us asked what he was doing as we walked by, but he just stood there watching us as we walked down the street. The guy never said a word. Luckily, there were 12 of us in the group because who knows what this guy was up to. He gave off some creepy Jason Voorhees vibes that’s for sure.”
Mystery man.
“A few months ago we were at a relatives house, when we were going back home at 2-3 am we saw a guy covered head to toe in blood walking, or at least trying to.
He started signaling but we didn’t stop because we didn’t know what to do, we immediately called the cops and told them what we’ve seen they said lock the doors and windows and dont stop.
Then they kept calling us back asking about the exact location, they called us back over 5 times and they never found him.”
Hell no.
“We went camping when we were kids on a school excursion to a big waterhole in the West Kimberley of Western Australia. Remote AF. 5 hours drive.
We set up camp and spent all day swimming and fishing in this waterhole that was I guess about as big as a football field, and ate then went to bed in the open as night fell. A bit later someone turned on a torch and the waterhole was covered in hundreds of sets of eyes of crocodiles just floating there looking at us.
That freaked us out a bit. Next morning we woke up, and there were dingo paw prints everywhere beside our sleeping bags and just all over the place. We packed up and left.”
Weird stuff…
“Weird stuff has been happening in the house I’m staying in for months, starting when I was out of town for 2 weeks.
When I’d wake up in the morning, after I’d come back from a trip, or after I’d come home from a night out, furniture had been moved, dishes had been washed, laundry had been folded, and a host of other weird things. Always good things, and nothing was ever stolen.
I went through so many different possibilities: I started sleepwalking for the first time, I have carbon monoxide poisoning, there’s a ghost in the house, I’m blacking out from stress, there’s someone coming in and out of the house.
I searched the house so many times for another person and never found anyone, and I was slowly going crazy trying to figure out what was happening. I honestly thought I was having a psychotic breakdown at one point.
The pinnacle was when I woke up one morning and all of my trash had been taken outside, put inside the trash bins, the trash bins had been rolled out to the curb, and in all the trash bins inside had new bags in them.
Things finally started slowing down and things weren’t being moved anymore, but I was hearing what sounded like people walking on the roof above me. My friends told me it was probably just squirrels, so I waved it off. Until last Friday when I walked upstairs at 2:00 a.m. and the crawl space door was WIDE open.
I called the sheriff’s and it turned out there was homeless people living inside the walls of my house on and off for months, right next to my bedroom. They were sneaking in through a faulty door lock and window they had broke.”
Okay, won’t be able to sleep tonight…
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · askreddit, creepy, top, white text

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