Mom Asks if She’s Wrong for Taking Away Her Teenage Daughter’s Driving Privileges
by Matthew Gilligan
Hey, maybe some kids shouldn’t be on the road…
Let’s think about it: not all of them can be good drivers, even if they pass their tests, so maybe it’s a good thing that some parents don’t let them drive.
So is this mom a jerk for taking away her daughter’s driving privileges?
Check out her story and see what you think.
AITA for taking my revoking my daughters driving privileges after finding out she is using 2 feet?
“My (37F) daughter (16F) is in the process of navigating the roads as a new driver.
She began studying for and got her permit when she was 15, and had since been receiving driving lessons from my ex husband (40M) She passed her driving test (written and physical portion) and is an outstanding student, so my ex and I decided to gift her a car as her 16th birthday gift (after receiving her license).
Growing up, my dad was the one who taught me and my siblings how to ride a bike, and later how to drive. It is a fond memory I have of him, so I decided to let her father handle the driving lessons/teaching business, so they could have that as well.
Apparently, during these lessons, my daughter started off by using both of her feet. Right foot for the gas, left for the brake. She continued to drive this way for a while, even passing her test this way.
Apparently when my ex husband found out about this, he brought it up to her and asked her to correct it but she argued that she has been driving this way since she started and that reverting to the normal way would be potentially dangerous, and that she is uncomfortable doing so. So my ex husband just dropped it.
I, how ever, was extremely concerned when I found this out (via her dad during casual convo). I asked him if he thought this was appropriate and he said he saw nothing wrong and that she was a good driver, I disagreed and told him this was unsafe and that I would be having a chat with our daughter once she arrived home from school.
She did, I asked her to sit down, and tried to explain to her the dangers of what she is doing. Wear and tear on the brakes, potentially pressing the wrong pedal in a split second emergency situation, not to mention the higher chance of having your foot on the break the entire time, which is not only annoying to other drivers (with them not being able to know whether you are actually breaking or not) and again, dangerous.
I asked her to please take these points into consideration and change her method of driving, to which she argued the only real danger would be forcing her to switch to using only one foot for both pedals after driving for this way for so long. I told her she has only been driving for about a year more or less, and the same way she learned with two she could learn with one, to which she flat out refused.
After our conversation and her refusal I took her keys and told her I would be taking her to school from now on, and wherever else need be. She was upset and called her dad, who called me to tell me I’m an AH and being controlling. He reminded me that her driving record is fine the way she is driving thus far (but it’s only been a year) and that she will resent me for this.
So, AITA? I don’t want to come off as controlling and I definitely don’t want my daughter to resent me over this. I am genuinely concerned for her safety over this and am not sure what to do now.”
Let’s see what people had to say on Reddit.
One person said that she’s NTA and this is all about safety.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another reader said her daughter’s actions show a lack of maturity.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this individual said she should get her to go to a driving school instead of teaching her herself.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Yes… driving school. Immediately.

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