People Get Real About What They’ll Never Forgive Their Parents For
by Matthew Gilligan
Some people just shouldn’t have kids.
That’s a FACT.
But, as we all know, people are weird and they do what they think is best for them and don’t consider other people…even their own children.
Are you ready to hear from AskReddit users about what they can never forgive their parents for?
Take a look at what they had to say.
Hard upbringing.
“My mother was a pr**titute when I was a child. When I turned 4 and my sister was 5 she decided she wanted to earn even better money by pimping out her kids, us.
This was a part of my life for a few years until I went into foster care. I’m a grown adult and I accept what happened in my childhood and I’ve done the work to heal.
But I’ll never forgive her. Some things are unforgivable.”
“They beat the s**t out of me. Sent me to school with bruises.
Threatened to have my sister’s split from me if I ever told anyone what they did to us. Now my bio mom tries to guilt trip my sister’s into convincing me to let her and her shitty husband back in my life.
Aside from that they also stabbed our dog, poisoned my squirrel and cut my sister’s guinea pigs head off.
But I’m the unhinged and unstable person.
Some people should never have children.”
“My mom left my bro and I behind to go be a m**hhead while lying to people about having cancer.
I’ve confronted her, told her to show proof of the cancer. Nothing. She gets cancer every five to ten years without going to the doctors.”
The stepfather.
“My mom letting my stepfather beat me almost unconscious and now denying 15 years of abuse on me and my brother.
We were really affected when we realised that she will never apologise or even accept that it was also her fault for not doing anything about it.”
“My mom sold my dog while I was at work.
When I came home and was looking for them she told me that someone came to see him today and that they loved and took him.
He went to a good home, but I never got to even say goodbye.”
Stuck in the middle.
“Probably that I ended up being the mediator between my mom and dad as they went through a divorce and one side was being frustrating to communicate with than the other.
So I in part had to act as a go between information and nagging them to communicate for stuff like medical bills and insurance and school payment stuff from 7-15 or so.”
Bad dad.
“I don’t think I could ever forgive my dad for his excessive drinking and calling me awful names, threatening to call the cops on me for arguing with him or not finding his bag of nuts (while drunk), and chasing me out of my own home after I gave him a place to stay twice.
It’s a lot of s**t he did to me as a kid, except he threatened to send me to a psych ward. Putting me back there after he apologized about it only to do it again tells me he won’t ever change.”
“My entire life my mom has always talked about “wanting me to have my own life”.
When i finally moved out to live with my then girlfriend, she decided to write me a letter. It detailed how if I still lived with her, she could have done so many things for me (like getting me a car).
She then wrapped the letter up with saying me being born ruined her life. Now she wonders why our relationship is so bad.”
Both of them were terrible.
“He held a knife to my 12 year old brothers throat and threatened to k**l him.
Abandoned multiple family dogs on the side of the road. A**se of each other in front of me. She put her fist through the China cabinet in front of me. Blood everywhere. I was 5.
I moved across the country. He is now gone, and I have no contact with her.”
Drug addict.
“Mom overdosed on he**in right in front of me, when I was 3 years old.
She came into the room I was having a playdate in, fell over and OD’d. She then told me she had tripped over my toy truck and that’s why she fell and the ambulance came.
I felt so bad about hurting her for 10 years, until she finally told me at 13.”
I’m sorry if you had parents like this.

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