‘Some people spent upwards of hundreds of hours.’ She Agreed To Let A Fundraiser Use Her Property And Then Said No When The Intention Changed. Is She Wrong?
by Justin Gardner
Here’s a life tip for you: if you get people to donate their time and/or money to a cause, you better not screw them over.
Because that leads to all kinds of hard feelings!
And the woman who wrote this story asked the readers on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page if she acted like, well, an a**hole for what she did.
Take a look at what she had to say.
AITA for screwing over all the people who donated their time and money?
“The PTA has been planning a fundraiser for months to raise money for new cheerleader uniforms. The old uniforms are very outdated, and all the kids are excited about getting new ones, including mine.
Early in the planning I agreed that my property could be used at no cost for the event, and that I would provide all the furnishing. Other people worked hard on buying/making items to be sold at the fundraiser. Some people spent upwards of hundreds of hours and/or dollars for the event.
At a recent meeting, the football coach said the equipment was badly worn out and needed to be replaced ASAP. A vote was held, and the majority voted that this fundraiser would be for the football team instead of the cheerleaders.
I was pi**ed. Football is always the top priority. I went above and beyond here specifically to help out the cheerleading team. My child and all their friends on the team got their hopes up only to be dashed.
I told everyone my property would no longer be available for use, and they would need to find a new venue. People panicked and got very angry, including several people who voted against the change. They said my decision was equivalent to throwing all their hard work in the trash. I asked them how they thought the cheerleaders would feel. They said it was a vote, and I was acting like a dictator, that I can’t overrule the will of the majority.
I said they can do what they like, but not on my property. I know they won’t be able to find a venue this late, especially not at an affordable price. I understand I screwed over my friends, burned bridges and am likely going to be kicked off the PTA. I just can’t bring myself to help them.
Am I a spiteful a**hole?”
Now let’s see how folks reacted on Reddit.
This reader said she’s NTA and this sounds like a bait and switch to them.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another Reddit user said she’s NTA and she did the right thing.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this individual said she should “give ’em hell”!

Photo Credit: Reddit
Yeah, she’s completely within her rights if they switched the intention of the event because the only reason she offered it up in the first place was due to the cheerleaders needing new uniforms.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, high school, money, reddit

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