This Dad Had His Daughter Take His Other Kid’s Test To Prove That Grades Are Relative. Was He Wrong?
by Matthew Gilligan
I can totally understand a parent wanting their kids to have the best in life and to succeed in every way possible, but is it wrong to have one kid take another kid’s test to prove a point?
I guess everyone has different opinions about that…and now it’s up to you to read this dad’s story to see if you think he acted like an a**hole.
Check out what he had to say in the story below.
AITA for having my daughter take her sister’s test?
“I have two daughters in high school. Sam is an A student and Emma is a B and C student. Sam has basically been making fun of Emma for her lower grades. We punish her when it happens but she goes back to it every time.
Now the difference between the two girls is that Sam takes the general classes where Emma takes the college classes. For example sam took biology as her science and Emma took college physics 2. So very different.
Summer is here and the final grades came in. Sam got all As and when she saw she did better, she started the “I am smarter” comments again. I had enough at this point
I grabbed one of Emma old tests, it was a geometry test since Sam took geometry this year and sat her down and had her do it. Long story short she was in tears and then I explained again how grades don’t measure how smart you are. That she is in much easier classes compared to Emma, I think it finally got through to her.
My wife was informed of what happened before she came home and she was pi**ed, about how I could do that to Sam. She took her to get ice cream to make up for it while me and Emma are still at home.”
Here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.
This reader said he’s NTA.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another person said they’re concerned about this guy and his wife…

Photo Credit: Reddit
And one Reddit user said he’s NTA but that this situation is going to take a lot of work.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Sam really needed a reality check, don’t you think?
Good for you, dad!

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