What Beauty Standard Do You Think Is Actually Unattractive? Here’s What People Said.
by Matthew Gilligan
These lip injections that women are getting these days are NO GOOD.
Well, at least that’s my opinion…
But I’m just one dummy in a world of billions of people!
Check out what AskReddit users had to say about this.
“There’s a trend in female Kpop idols (I’m not sure if it’s in South Korean culture as a whole–I know idol culture can be magnified quite a bit) to remove the fat from their cheeks, so their faces don’t look so round and “fat”.
Every single woman I’ve seen do it goes from looking gorgeous to looking vaguely alien. The round face seems to be seriously looked down upon, which is a d**n shame.”
“The Kardashian look.
I think that whatever they do to their lips and cheeks makes them a look like gelflings from The Dark Crystal.”
All fake.
“Overfilled lips.
Especially when combined with fake tan, fake t**s, fake nose, etc.
I feel bad for people that do this to themselves, but also disgusted by it.”
“Fake butts.
It looks weird. It always looks disproportionate to the rest of the body, especially the legs.”
Too bright.
“Unnatural extremely white veneers.
Many celebs get them even if they had overall nice teeth before.”
“Drawn on eyebrows creep me tf out.
Why do they always have to look surprised?”
“Filler in general, but especially in the cheekbones.
I am genuinely so confused why so many girls want to look like they’re having an allergic reaction. It’s almost painful to look at, it looks like their face is swollen.
I’ve never in my life looked at someone and thought, hmm their cheekbones are too flat.”
“Long, pointy nails.
Overly long nails in general.
1/4 inch past the tip of the finger is plenty in my opinion.”
Over the top.
“Extreme man muscles.
It’s too much.
Just a nice mid bod is perfect.”
That didn’t work out.
“People who watch makeup videos and try to over contour their face and then don’t blend it well.
When people do that on videos it is so much product and looks decent in pics but from what I have seen in person it does not translate well.
The stuff is so thick I can’t image the amount of remover it takes to get off the face. It also looks so d**n fake in person.”
“Being blonde shouldn’t be the beauty standard.
Dark hair is beautiful as well.”
The rundown.
“Here we go :
He**in chic skinny
Injected lips
Bubble butts
Caterpillar eyebrows
Fake eyelashes
Duck face.”
No escape these days.
“Not a fan of beards.
Some men cannot pull it off.”
Especially the long Santa Claus looking ones.
They just look like pubes on face to me.”
Take it easy…
“Scrawny stick-women or gym-addicted dudes.
I honestly find working muscles more attractive than bodybuilder muscles. What’s the point of working out if you don’t actually USE your muscles anywhere but at the gym??
It’s one thing to work out for your health, but doing it just to build giant muscles seems so ridiculous to me.”
I just think we’re all beautiful in our own way, don’t you think?
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · askreddit, attractive, beauty, red border, reddit, top, unattractive

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