What Secret Can You Not Tell Anyone or It Will Ruin Your Life? Here’s What People Said.
by Matthew Gilligan
Maybe it’s best to just say nothing at all…
Just a suggestion!
But these folks obviously didn’t get the memo because they decided to share the secrets they say could potentially ruin their lives on AskReddit.
Check out what they had to say…and let’s hope that their secrets never get out!
Too late now.
“I h**e to say this but I don’t see myself as a doctor in the future.
But I can’t say anything about it because my mom already supported me financially.
It’s too late to back out.”
Stuck in the middle.
“I’ve struggled with suicidal depression for over 20 years.
While my psychiatrist is aware of my depression, I can’t reveal quite how bad it is because I don’t wan’t (nor can I afford) to be sent to the hospital.”
That’s crazy.
“I stopped working at work a year back.
I have no idea what the f**k they want from me because I watch 12 hours of shows on my laptop and work for 30 minutes a day by attending a team huddle and staying on mute.”
“I won the lotto.
Haven’t told anyone or changed my lifestyle.
I’m still going to finish my degree in data science, so I can say my money is from a new job.”
Holy s**t.
“I caught a guy r**ing a girl yelling for help in a tent at a very loud bush party in my university days.
I was dr**k myself and I ended up blacking out with rage and beating him up with his pants around his ankles so bad that he was put in a coma for a couple of days.
I never saw any consequences other than probably a broken knuckle. Nobody “witnessed anything” and I got off scott free. The girl in the tent definitely wasn’t going to say anything.
From his Facebook it looks like he is a happy and healthy father of 2 now. He doesn’t know who I am.
But I think I came very close to k**ling someone with a rock caveman style that night.”
Don’t care.
“I find it incredibly difficult to care about absolutely anything.
I have to fake it just enough so that people will interact with me.”
Mystery siblings.
“My childhood friend has 2 siblings that he doesn’t know exist…..they’re twins, around 2 years old now.
I promised to keep it a secret, my dad and his dad are close friends. My dad is quite the gossip, and spilled every last detail to me. Apparently their father (handsome, tall, a sports prodigy) slept with a doctor who lied about being on birth control so that she could give birth to his children, who she claimed had “superior genetics”.
She was his former doctor who pulled up his private records in order to score a date with him as she had all his contact info at hand. Never wanted child support or even a father in her kid’s lives, just an involuntary Sperm donor. Very weird.”
“I lied on my job application. I do not have a college degree, I do not actually have experience in finance.
They hired me anyway and paid for me to get my series 65 and I am now a financial advisor for a major bank.”
Twisted family tree.
“My 54 year old secret would ruin several lives.
My childhood best friend’s little brother is actually my son, and his children are my grandchildren.”
“I b**lied a kid in second grade because he was mean to me one time. Like every day b**lied him, went out of my way to make his life suck. Got my friends to join in with me.
Turns out the kid was only mean because he was going through a lot at home. Suddenly I noticed he wasn’t at school anymore for a week or so. An announcement came on one morning over the school PA system asking for a moment of silence.
Turns out this kid’s mother’s boyfriend beat him so badly that he fell into a coma, d**d a week later. I have always felt a deep amount of shame for this.”
All I’ve gotta say is… yikes!

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