What Sentimental Object Do You Sleep With? People Responded.
by Matthew Gilligan
I kind of wish I’d held on to some of the things I slept with when I was a kid, but, sadly, they’re all gone now.
But some folks hang on to those sentimental objects forever and still sleep with them to this day.
Take a look at what AskReddit users had to say about this.
Missing her.
“My twin sister d**d when I was 18, ten years later I still sleep with her unicorn pillow pet, she gets a nice spot on the bed and I’d never be with someone who made me feel badly about having it, only my girlfriend is trusted enough to give pillow pet a bath.”
“My partner passed away a few wks ago and I now cuddle his shirts that still have his scent.
When my son spends the night with grandparents, I also cuddle with his blanket or the pillow he sleeps on.”
A big stuffed seal.
“I bought my wife a big stuffed seal for our first Valentine’s Day. This seal has a slight green tint to it, so we named him Sealo Green.
She had Sealo for a couple of years before she passed away. I hug Seal-o every night and pray to my wife, tell her about my day, things coming up, etc.
I’ll start using her perfume on Sealo soon, so I can smell her while I pray to her. My heart can’t take it right now.”
That’s nice.
“A lobster…(stuffed animal.)
I do not hold him, I just set him beside me and tuck him in.
His name is Lobster.”
Good dog.
“Stuffed dog I’ve had since my mom was squeezing him while giving birth to me. That dog has seen some s**t.
He’s a “Sad Sam” and his eyes used to break my heart when I was a kid, so I buried him under other stuffed animals or made him face the wall so I wouldn’t have to look at him.
Then I felt really guilty because I didn’t want him to feel punished when all he wanted was to be loved. So I’ve been sleeping with him for almost 40 years now.
I recently bought an original one off eBay to see the comparison and man, I have loved the daylights out of that dog!”
Still got it.
“When I was a toddler I got a stuffed animal as a present from my uncle. It was a light brown rabbit with button eyes, and ears with rainbow stripes on the inside. I’m unsure of when I got it, but I was either 1-2 years old or 4 years old.
I don’t know how or why, but it had a distinct scent, not particularly noticeable unless you shoved your face in its fur, like I did, haha. As I grew up, I needed to have this rabbit with me or I would not be able to sleep. I remember this one time when I couldn’t find it in time for bed, and I was so distressed trying to fall asleep that I started hallucinating.
Over time she lost an eye, her ears became frayed, her fur fell out in patches, and she looks like a well-loved creature (because she is) or hot garbage, depending on who you ask, lol. Even in my rebellious teen years I couldn’t pretend to dislike her because the scent and texture of her fur gave me a feeling of comfort and safety, even when it felt like everyone was against me.
I live by myself now at age 34 and you better believe I still keep her in my bed. The scent is gone but sometimes I can trick my brain into thinking it’s still there, and when I touch the texture of her fur I will still get a wave of comfort and reassurance the same way I did as a child.
It’s amazing not only how humans will bond with anything, but also the effect these things will have on a person.”
The smell.
“Sometimes when I take a nap and my wife doesn’t.
I’ll take her pillow to sleep with because I like the smell.
It smells like baby powder, vanilla and her.”
It helps.
“I sleep with a body pillow (plain cover).
Doctor recommended it a few years ago to help with my lower back pain and it really does help.”
You gotta love Ikea!
“Ikea Hippo, Ikea Elephant.
The Ikea bigs are the superior sleep companion.
I also have the shark, but he is not right for my shoulder when cuddling so he guards.”
One of a kind.
“I have Iggly, my iguana. He’s life size. He is one of a kind.
There was a girl who had cancer, Amy – I played her in a musical that raised money for charity, hence why they made me my own version of her one of a kind toy for the role.
As a charity, in 10 years we raised £1 million which helped build a children’s ward in my home town’s hospital. Sadly she d**d aged 7. I still hold Iggly very dear to me 24 years later.”
This was such a cute post.
Y’all are adorable!
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · askreddit, red border, reddit, sentimental, sleep, top

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