‘After I ate it I started feeling stomach cramps.’ His Coworker Tricked Him Into Eating Regular Ice Cream, But He’s Lactose-Intolerant. So He Blew Up At Her.
by Trisha Leigh
If you have or love someone with a serious food sensitivity or allergy, then you know how tough it can be sometimes, navigating a society that so often revolves around food.
We don’t expect the world to rearrange for our health issues, but I think it’s a reasonable assumption that people who know about said issues will at least go out of their way to make sure they don’t purposely harm/kill us.
OP is lactose intolerant, and while ingesting dairy won’t kill him, it does cause him significant pain and discomfort for several hours/days. His coworker knows this, but he still reminded her when she offered him ice cream.
Obligatory burner account because some friends and coworkers follow my main. As the title says, my coworker offered me ice cream. I declined, stating that I’m severely lactose intolerant and cannot have milk or cream.
She already knew that, so it was more of a reminder to her that I’m lactose intolerant.
She told him it was vegan, it looked vegan, and so he ate it – only to get stomach cramps soon afterward.
She then told me it’s vegan and I asked are you sure, to which she reassured me that it is in fact vegan.
For what it’s worth, the ice cream was one of those Japanese Mochi green tea ice creams.
About a half hour after I ate it I started feeling stomach cramps and when I checked the trash for any remnants of the ice cream, I realized that it was in fact regular ice cream.
This coworker is one of those who loves “pranks” and “jokes” that really aren’t all that funny to anyone but her.
For background, this coworker has a long history of not telling the truth and/or pranking people, and I should have known better than to trust her. She will do things like text that she is going to be late or not able to come to work, as she is either on the way to work or already at work…
She will say our other coworker told her he isn’t coming to work only for her to laugh when he shows up. She even pretended to come out to me as lesbian and then laughed at me for believing her.
When he found out she’d given him real ice cream he went off, yelling at her “aggressively” in front of coworkers and customers.
So, when I realized she had lied to me to get me to eat real ice cream, I lost it. Mind you this was at about hour 11 of a 12 hour double shift and for more background info we work in a retail food space so there were customers around. I should also add that I am a male and we are around the same age late 30s/early 40s.
In front of the customers I did raise my voice at her yelling that it was absolutely messed up that she would do that, knowing that I’m going to have to be stuck in the bathroom for the next few hours.
And that she, as a vegetarian should know better and that I would never trick her into eating meat. My description makes it sound kinda tame but I was actually shouting at some point and aggressively pointing my finger at her.
The woman cried and told management, and once OP calmed down he started to wonder whether or not he went a little too hard on her.
She then went to the owner of the store and cried. I locked myself in the bathroom for an hour before racing home to continue my throne sitting for a few more hours at least in the comfort of my own home.
Now that I’ve calmed down, I feel like in my rage I was acting abusive in my reaction and should have kept my cool better. So I decided to let you all decide if I was an asshole or not. AITA?
Let’s see what Reddit has to say about it all!
The top comment says that few people respond ideally to being physically injured.

Image Credit: Reddit
This person doesn’t think OP came down hard enough, actually.

Image Credit: Reddit
And this commenter says turnabout should be fair play.

Image Credit: Reddit
Because Reddit is not going to blame the victim.

Image Credit: Reddit
This person says OP did their due diligence.

Image Credit: Reddit
The coworker is just an awful excuse for a human.
Don’t do stuff like this. Health-related food issues are scary.

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