‘My husband is mad at me.’ This Mom Asked If She Was Wrong For Making Her Son Clean Up After His Sister In The Bathroom
by Matthew Gilligan
Kids can really be little rascals, huh?
Causing trouble, wreaking havoc, etc.
And it sounds like the mom who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” is a little fed up with her little angels.
And she wants to know if she was out of line for making her son clean up after his sister.
Check out her story below and see if you think she went too far.
AITA for making my son clean up after his sister in the bathroom?
“I’m 40s F and have 2 children, “Dax” M12, and “Mia” F14. (Not real names for privacy.)
My kids don’t get along super well, Dax thinks “pranks”are really funny, I guess like every 12 year old boy, and he annoys Mia with them a lot. It’s something my husband and I have been working on as it’s the source of many fights between them.
Dax gets a lot of prank ideas from YouTube and TikTok and will often recreate what he sees. Most of them are harmless (something like a fake spider in her food etc.), but this time I think he went too far.
Dax thought it would be funny to put Saran Wrap over the toilet before my daughter went to the bathroom. He says he got the idea from online? Idk if this is a thing but it’s a terrible prank. Basically he put plastic wrap under the toilet seat so if someone sits on it, well pretty much it makes a mess instead of going in the bowl. Yeah I know, ew.
So he does this right before Mia goes in the bathroom to pee. When she gets in there she sits on the seat like normal, pees, and since there’s plastic wrap over the hole, her pee collects on it and gets everywhere, all around the ground on the toilet and on her.
She comes to me crying. She’s embarrassed because she’s a teenage girl and this is… disgusting. I told Mia to shower and not worry about the mess.
Here’s where I might be TA… I go to my Son and yell at him for what he did. I tell him that’s not an appropriate prank and he’s old enough to know that’s not okay. And then I made him clean in up.
He started crying saying it’s unfair I make him clean his sisters pee. “It’s gross and he’s going to be sick.” He says “it’s from her body so she should clean it.” But it was all his fault and literally his mess to deal with, I don’t know why I should humiliate my daughter further or why I should have to clean it. And biggest thing, he needs to learn.
I told him the mess was his fault and he should think about the repercussions of his actions next time, because this is what his prank caused. And then I stood in the doorway and watched as I made him clean all of the urine off the floor and toilet.
I think it was an appropriate punishment considering it’s really just the natural consequence of what he did, and it doubles as a general lesson in how to clean a toilet which he has to learn at some point anyway.
Well my husband disagrees. This all happened while he was at work, and after he got home Dax complained to him.
He told me I was overly harsh on our son and “put him in danger” by exposing him to germs. But I gave him the same gloves I use when I have to wash the toilet and it’s not like he was unsupervised.
But my husband is mad at me and told me I want “too far” and that’s “bad parenting.” Of course my son is mad at me too. But my daughter is on my side.
AITA? Am I a bad Mom?”
Here’s what folks had to say about this.
One reader said she’s NTA…but her husband is an a**hole.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another individual said she’s NTA at all.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this Redditor also said she’s NTA and her husband needs to start doing some cleaning, too.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Kids gotta learn lessons, and the only ones to do that will be the parents.
It just sucks when those parents can’t agree on punishment.
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