Was She Wrong To Ask Her Parents To Leave Her Nephew Out Of The Will?
by Trisha Leigh
It’s wild how people think they’re entitled to influence how other folks – even their parents – spend their money, even after they’re dead.
This woman starts with the details that she and her brother have always had a touch-and-go relationship and that her nephew, his son, lived with her parents for a time because of his father’s disability.
I (47F) have always had a very strained relationship with my brother (51M). He’s had a very bad accident when he was 17 and spent 3 months in a coma.
Ever since he’s been the child my parents swooned over and they make excuses for everything he does; I’ve been to therapy because of this for over a decade as I resented him for my parents forgetting about me when I was younger, even though I love my parents to d**th.
My nephew (31M) has basically been raised by my parents as well. His mom passed away during childbirth and my brother lived with our parents till about 4 years ago when he moved in with his girlfriend.
Because my brother is handicapped and doesn’t have big motor skills, a lot of the child care was taken care of by my parents over the years. Till my nephew moved out of state 5 years ago for his job.
Because of this relationship, her parents wanted to split their inheritance three ways instead of two.
A couple of weeks ago, my parents were meeting with their lawyer to set up their will, as they’re both no longer in the best of health and wanna make sure we’re taken care of.
The only big thing they have is their house and car. They were talking about that they wanna split the inheritance 3 ways, and I got confused and asked them why 3 ways considering it’s only me and my brother.
They said they wanted my nephew in there as well, as they basically raised him since birth and consider him largely as their child too.
OP objected, stating they had two children and those children could share with the grandchildren as they saw fit – after all, if one grandson received a share, shouldn’t they all?
I told them that’s not fair as I have two kids as well and if my nephew is in the will, they should as well.
My brother said that what they’re doing with their money is their business and I should stay out of it, but I disagreed. Eventually my parents agreed and didn’t give my nephew “his share”. My brother called it a a giant dick move and called me petty to punish my nephew for the resentment I have towards him. We broke out into a fight that my parents had to unfortunately break up.
My nephew called me a couple of days ago to check in on my youngest as he’s her Godfather.
He had already heard what happened and just said that it was a bit of Karen move to do, but he’s unbothered by it as it’s none of his business. But my brother is still very upset with me and my parents are rather cold to me as well.
AITA here?
Her brother is mad, her parents aren’t all that happy, and her nephew is feeling poorly about it all, too – but was she wrong?
Reddit is weighing in!
The top comment says that, since the parents had OP as part of the conversation, she was entitled to give her opinion.

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They say her opinion makes sense.

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This person doesn’t agree, though, because of extenuating circumstances.

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This comment agrees that everyone is entitled to their feelings but the parents can do what they want.

Image Credit: Reddit
A few people thought OP was actually in the wrong and should try to fix it.

Image Credit: Reddit
This is definitely a tough one.
Family dynamics are never easy to navigate when money is involved.

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