‘300+ total wings were devoured.’ A College Football Team’s Offensive Line Took On The Applebee’s Boneless Wings Challenge
by Matthew Gilligan
Down, set, hut!
No go attack those wings, boys!
This situation sounds pretty fun for everyone involved…except for the kitchen staff and the waitress.
Here’s what happened: an offensive lineman from Western Oregon University named Marcus Failla shared a video on TikTok that showed him and his O Line teammates taking on the endless boneless wings challenge at an Applebee’s restaurant.
And, in case you’re not a football fan, offensive lineman are BIG boys.
Failla, who posted the video, is 6’4″ and weighs 330 pounds, FYI…
The caption to the video reads, “300+ total wings were devoured” and the text overlay reads, “College Offensive Line takes on Boneless wings at Applebees.”
The boys went through plate after plate of wings and the dishes just kept stacking up as the video played Boosie Bad Azz’s “Wipe Me Down” in the background.
These Applebee’s employees had their work cut out for them!
Check out these fellas in action.
@marcusfailla63 300+ total wings were devoured #screammovie #VozDosCriadores #foryou #applebeeschallenge #applebees #footbal #fyp
Now let’s see what people had to say about it.
One person said these guys better have left a good tip.
Another individual said they would have cried if they had to deal with this.
And this TikTokker who played football said they used to hit up Denny’s after games.
Will restaurants ever do these unlimited deals again?
Categories: SPORTS, THE REST
Tags: · applebee’s, boneless wings, endless wings, food, football, football team, sports, tiktok, top, video, viral, wild, wings

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