September 4, 2023 at 8:47 pm

His Boss Tried To Steal His Fiancée, But Ended Up Firing Her Instead. So He Got Revenge.

by Matthew Gilligan

RedditCreepyBoss copy His Boss Tried To Steal His Fiancée, But Ended Up Firing Her Instead. So He Got Revenge.

Wow…talk about low…

Trying to sleep with your employee’s fiancée?

That’s pretty low!

And the guy who had this happen to him decided that it was only right to get revenge on his boss who did this.

Take a look at what he had to say in his story below.

Boss tried to sleep with my fiancée.

“This was several years ago. So my boss, an extreme type “A” personality, found out I was seeing a young lady at another one of our offices, it was a long distance relationship.

He was the type he liked to control everything and mess with people for fun. He was also married to another employee, but he was very unfaithful. And he had a hobby, photography, he liked to take pics of himself and his conquest, in the act! Then he would show the pics around the production floor and brag about it.

Well, on his next trip to this other office he tried to get my girlfriend to sleep with him, but she spurned him. He made up some lies and got her fired.

It took a long time but I was patient, I knew he kept the photos in his office, he could not risk keeping them at home where his wife might stumble upon them. One Saturday I was working OT and the cleaning lady came thru, they unlocked his office.

I came in acting like I was taking dimensions on some drawings. The lady just ask me to close the door when I was finished. She left and went down toward accounting, that’s when I went thru his desk. Sure enough in the back of one drawer I found a stack of photos 4” tall. I took them all!

Then I waited until he went on another trip. When he did, I went out for lunch, I had a dozen pics of him, in the act with 4 different women, all showing his face, the women all had dark or red hair, his wife is a blonde! I drove to the town he lived in, to the closest post office to his house, and mailed the pics to his wife with no return address.

She divorced him, and her lawyer took him to the cleaners! My girlfriend is now my wife, and we aren’t mad anymore.”

Here’s how folks reacted.

This reader said this guy is a classic harasser in the workplace.

Screen Shot 2023 09 02 at 2.51.38 PM His Boss Tried To Steal His Fiancée, But Ended Up Firing Her Instead. So He Got Revenge.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said this guy got what he deserved.

Screen Shot 2023 09 02 at 2.53.12 PM His Boss Tried To Steal His Fiancée, But Ended Up Firing Her Instead. So He Got Revenge.

Photo Credit: Reddit

But this Reddit user didn’t seem too impressed with this revenge.

Screen Shot 2023 09 02 at 2.54.47 PM His Boss Tried To Steal His Fiancée, But Ended Up Firing Her Instead. So He Got Revenge.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Wow. What an absolute scumbag!