September 9, 2023 at 4:29 pm

‘I ruined their once in a lifetime moment.’ Maid Of Honor Walked Out On The Day Of The Wedding Because Of The Bride’s Cheating

by Trisha Leigh

Wedding Day Ruined AITA I ruined their once in a lifetime moment. Maid Of Honor Walked Out On The Day Of The Wedding Because Of The Brides Cheating

There’s no shortage of wedding drama on Reddit, but this one honestly might take the cake.

Not the wedding cake, though, because OP wasn’t around for that part.

She starts with the story of how she broke up with her ex-boyfriend after he cheated on her, and that she had a really hard time with it. Her best friend and her boyfriend were very supportive at the time.

Now the two of them are getting married, and OP is the maid-of-honor. Happily.

I dated my ex-boyfriend “John” for four years, and got serious enough where we starting planning for our future (wedding, kids, etc.). I thought we were pretty happy, but last year he dumped me pretty suddenly. I tried to figure out what went wrong, but he said it was “personal” and that I should respect his space.

During this time, my best friend “Stacy” and her fiancé “Tom” were my rocks, letting me crash at their place and just being overwhelmingly supportive and loving.

When Stacy asked me to be her maid-of-honor, I thought it was a no-brainer and happily took on the task.

The day of the wedding, the fiancee wanted to speak with her alone. OP learned then that her bestie was the one who cheated with her ex-boyfriend, and was the reason they’d broken up.

Fast forward to what happened this weekend: the morning of the wedding, Tom asked me to meet him for breakfast super early in the AM before all of the festivities. I thought it was weird but assumed he maybe wanted me to pass something on to Stacy.

What happened instead was that Tom let me know that a few days prior, Stacy admitted to him that she had an affair with John, which was what lead to my breakup.

The fiancee had forgiven the bestie and they were good with moving forward, but he just thought OP should know.

He said that Stacy wanted to come clean to “start their marriage fresh”, and that he was forgiving her to move forward.

He had gone back and forth between telling me, and finally decided to spill the beans. I guess he had expected me to forgive Stacy too because the affair was “so long ago”.

OP walked away from the wedding, leaving her (ex?) best friend in the lurch and refusing to speak to her since.

The opposite pretty much happened, and I just walked out on the wedding.

It ended up causing a huge mess because I was basically running the whole show (Stacy made me do everything, so she didn’t even know what was happening at certain times or who to call).

Not only that, but everyone realized that the MOH wasn’t there (she had headshots and bios of the party on her wedding page), and news of the affair eventually got out because her cousin knew John.

Some in their circle think it was an awful thing to do, but OP doesn’t really understand how things could have gone differently.

Stacy and Tom have both been slandering me online now, saying that I ruined their once in a lifetime moment.

Some of their friends are on their side, saying that I should have handled the situation more privately, and at least stuck out the wedding since it was so last minute.

I personally don’t know what Tom expected, but either way I’ve been getting bombarded with texts and I heard that Stacy has been so upset she’s had to take time off work, which does make me feel like an AH. Especially since I’ve just been ignoring her calls.

Does Reddit think she could have handled things better? Let’s find out!

The top comment says that, based on everything, this was a fine way to handle herself.

Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 11.28.58 AM I ruined their once in a lifetime moment. Maid Of Honor Walked Out On The Day Of The Wedding Because Of The Brides Cheating

Image Credit: Reddit

This person is wondering just what in the heck the groom was even thinking?

Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 11.29.38 AM I ruined their once in a lifetime moment. Maid Of Honor Walked Out On The Day Of The Wedding Because Of The Brides Cheating

Image Credit: Reddit

And this commenter was stuck way back at the beginning of the story.

Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 11.30.08 AM I ruined their once in a lifetime moment. Maid Of Honor Walked Out On The Day Of The Wedding Because Of The Brides Cheating

Image Credit: Reddit

They think maybe the groom secretly wanted to ruin the day.

Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 11.31.13 AM I ruined their once in a lifetime moment. Maid Of Honor Walked Out On The Day Of The Wedding Because Of The Brides Cheating

Image Credit: Reddit

This commenter says in no world is OP the AH here.

Screen Shot 2023 09 05 at 11.32.32 AM I ruined their once in a lifetime moment. Maid Of Honor Walked Out On The Day Of The Wedding Because Of The Brides Cheating

Image Credit: Reddit

I tend to agree with all of the comments.

Also, this bride has a lot of nerve to have asked OP to be the maid of honor, anyway.