‘If he isn’t hiding anything and not messing with the cameras, why the defense?’ Would You Question Your Partner If Your Security Cameras Always Glitched When They Were Home Alone?
by Trisha Leigh
Trust is one of the most important thingsĀ – if notĀ the most important thing – in healthy relationships.
That said, there’s a fine line between trusting your partner and willingly looking the other way.
OP says she and her husband have a good and mature marriage. She has kids that she likes to see after school, so there are a few security cameras in and around the house so she can make sure they’re safe.
Recently married and combined households by moving in together. Great relationship, healthy sex life, good communication. I (38F) have a few cameras around the house for security and to communicate with the kiddos that don’t have cell phones yet, but mainly to see when my kids get home from school.
I could care less about the cameras most any other time. I had these (and more) at my old house but I’ve only set up three so far at the new house.
The new house also came with a ring door bell camera.
When her husband started working from home, though, the cameras started to glitch.
My husband (43M) is WFH. The first few weeks in the house were fine. No hiccups or glitches with the cameras. The ring door bell worked like a champ at every slight bit of movement.
The first week he was solo in the house and the first day the kids go off to school, when they come home, through the front door, there is no ring notification.
The time line glitches as if the shots were deleted. He is the main Ring account holder, I’m shared, I can’t delete anything.
They had a conversation about it. He said he didn’t know why and she agreed to let it go.
That evening I mentioned it and he gets defensive, so I initially dropped it. I wouldn’t have married him if I didn’t trust him, I was just curious on what happened.
Later, we talked it over and I explained that I didn’t think he did something malicious but something definitely happened.
Agreed to move past it.
When it kept happening, though, she started to question whether or not she was being dumb or blind, and maybe he was cheating after all.
I decided to just take notes on when I noticed the ‘glitches.’
It has happened a few more times and always on days that’s he’s been at home, alone.
Every so often I’ve asked one of the kids what he’s doing when they got home and most of the time he was playing video games or in a work meeting.
Today around 2, I go to check the garage camera to see if he’s left the garage open, which he does frequently and we end up with exorbitant power bills.
So I remind him to shut the door.
I get the error ‘live view failed.’
I try the front of the garage, same error.
Her suspicions increased after he blew up at her for her prodding questions that he felt he had already answered.
I screenshot and send them to him asking if he knows why they aren’t working.
He loses his s**t. Starts saying I’m accusing him of hiding things.
Now I don’t THINK he’s cheating. We have a healthy s*x life, we typically communicate, but I just don’t understand.
The cameras work great, when he isn’t home alone. He has access to the cameras, just as I have access to the ring.
If he isn’t hiding anything and not messing with the cameras, why the defense? I didn’t ask what he was doing but I did insinuate that I thought he had something to do with it.
TLDR – Cameras ‘glitch’ but only when hubby is home alone. He gets defensive when I question it. AITAH for asking about the cameras?
So, she’s asking Reddit for advice!
The top comment says that it is suspicious, but it could just be an out-of-date router.

Image Credit: Reddit
This person suspects OP might be oversimplifying the issue.

Image Credit: Reddit
Some wonder if he might have lost his job.

Image Credit: Reddit
But others point out this makes no sense.

Image Credit: Reddit
Plenty of folks let OP know she wasn’t wrong to feel suspicious, though.

Image Credit: Reddit
I don’t know about this one.
I feel like she should rule out technical issues before totally breaking his trust.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, husband, picture, reddit, surveillance, technology, top, wife

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