‘To everyone else he’s a spoiled brat.’ She Told Her Sister That Her Son Isn’t Special Just Because She’s Endured Tragedy. Is She Wrong?
by Trisha Leigh
No one likes to be around bratty, entitled kids, but when they’re being raised by family members, sometimes it can be tough to avoid them.
OP’s sister had a son after multiple miscarriages and fertility issues. To her, he is incredibly special and that’s how she treats him – but that has resulted in other people in the family treating him that way as well, and in him being an entitled 5yo.
I (f26) have 3 older siblings. This is about my oldest sister “Abby” (f37). Abby has a son (5) and I have a daughter (1). Abby dealt with years of fertility issues and had probably 10+ miscarriages. Then she had her son and of course, he was Abby’s miracle rainbow baby, we were so happy for her.
But then it leads to Abby spoiling her son and letting him get away with everything because he’s a “miracle” and he’s “special”. Everyone has always bit their tongue when it comes to her son because of that.
OP really doesn’t enjoy having him around but invited the pair of them to her daughter’s first birthday party. The kid acted up at being forced to give up the spotlight, and the sister did nothing to stop it.
On Saturday I had my daughter’s first birthday party. It was mostly family and a few of my close friends were invited I invited Abby and her son because everyone else in our family was invited so I felt bad excluding her.
We had different activities for the kids to do. Abby’s son didn’t like any of them. He was upset none of the presents were for him. He didn’t want to eat any of the food we had.
He then decided to try and push the cake off the table because apparently, he was mad the cake wasn’t his.
When OP got upset and told her sister that he might be special to her but to everyone else he was an insufferable brat, the sister stormed out.
I got super upset at Abby for allowing her son to act that way.
She went on to say her son is special. I said her son is only special to her which is understandable. But to everyone else he’s a spoiled brat which shouldn’t be overlooked because he was your special miracle baby.
Abby called me a b*%ch and left crying.
A few family members are telling OP she just doesn’t understand, but is that the case?
A few family members have since called me an AH because I’ve never dealt with a miscarriage so I don’t understand how painful it was for Abby to deal with years of that before her son.
It’s not that I don’t realize her son is special to her but it doesn’t give the excuse for Abby to allow him to act like a spoiled brat.
Let’s find out whose side Reddit is on here!
The top comment is someone who does have experience with miscarriages but still believes the sister is wrong.

Image Credit: Reddit
This person agrees, and has perspective from the other side of the coin.

Image Credit: Reddit
Lost of commenters think the sister is 100% failing her “precious” child.

Image Credit: Reddit
They say loving your kids doesn’t look like this at all.

Image Credit: Reddit
This person thinks the nephew is going to have a hard life because of his mom.

Image Credit: Reddit
Maybe OP can have some good influence on the kid.
It seems as if someone is going to have to.

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