‘By the time 10am rolls around, the car is COVERED in mud.” Guy Is Forced To Pay Another Day On His Rental Car So He Goes Joyriding To Ensure They Have A Mess To Clean Up
by Trisha Leigh
No one likes unexpected charges, because almost none of us have money to throw around. When you’re told one thing, do exactly that, and then are told something else, it’s enough to make anyone angry.
OP’s car was in the shop so he rented a car. It was a pretty good deal and he didn’t have to clean the car to get it, so he was happy.
I rented a car for five weeks while my car was being repaired from a car accident.
The rental company had a couple great policies- no cleaning fee no matter how gross the car was, and unlimited miles. Ideal for me- I live in the country and going anywhere is a drive.
He dropped the keys when and where he was told, and even though his car wasn’t exactly fixed, he figured one thing was taken care of.
When my car was finally scheduled to be finished (a Monday evening) I called the rental car company on Sunday. Asked about return details. They said return time would be 530pm Monday, but I could just leave it at the shop and leave the keys in the shops drop box.
I said sure, and next night I went, got my car, left keys in the box. Got in my car, and check engine light is on.
Staff says come back tomorrow and we will fix it. I go home thinking that I will be sitting at the shop all Tuesday because no other ride.
Except the next morning he was informed that he would be charged for another day because the rental company hadn’t been able to get the keys from where they told him to leave them.
Tuesday morning I wake up at 7am to the rental car company very angry and saying that they can’t get into the drop box and shop doesn’t open til 9. I tell them I just did what they said to do. They told me that they would be charging me an extra day.
At that I’m furious. I leave my house later and arrive at the ship at 850. Rental car guys aren’t there. I sit around and shop opens, I grab the rental keys and give them my car. Right on time, rental car guys appear.
They demand the keys and I ask if I’m still getting charge for an extra day. One guy is inspecting the car while the other tells me yes, I’m getting charged an extra day.
Guy inspecting it comes over and days car looks good, it should be ready to rent out immediately. I had cleaned it the day before because I didn’t want to be a jerk.
OP said if he was paying for another day he might as well keep the car, and then took it mudding.
Well, I refuse to give him the keys. “Since I’m getting charged an extra day, that means it’s my car until 530 today, right?”.
At that he gets nervous. Says they need the car back.
“I will give you the keys now if you don’t charge me an extra day. But if I’m charged an extra day, I’m using it.”
He refuses to bend so I leave.
At this point I’m petty and angry. So I go straight home.
I own a farm and it has been raining like mad lately. I get to work.
By the time 10am rolls around, the car is COVERED in mud.
Like, this black car looks painted brown.
By the time he brought it back he and the car were covered, and the guy at the desk was only too happy to refund the charge in exchange for the car.
I didn’t trash the inside, because I’m not that petty.
I hop in the car and drive to the rental place. I’m pretty covered in mud at this point, I had put trash bags on the front seat to limit it.
I walk into the rental place looking like I fell into a mud pit.
The guy who refused to cancel the charge looks horrified.
I tell them “This car is great for mudding! I’m gonna go mudding for the rest of the day. Just swinging by to ask where to put the keys at 530.”
I’m all smiles and dripping sweetness.
I watch the life leave him, his shoulders slump, and he says if I return the car now they will cancel the charge because they need to rent out the car.
I give em the keys and take an uber to the shop, where my car is ready.
No cleaning fee and no extra day charge.
Brilliant, right?
Let’s find out if Reddit agrees!
This person says it works with apartments, too.
Apparently rental companies like to try things.
I cannot believe this is a thing that could happen.
Seems like it might be a systemic issue.
The definition of double dipping.
This is a terrible story with a happy ending.
Stand up for yourselves out there, folks.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · business, customers, malicious compliance, money, outrage, rental car, top, white text

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