‘Your service moves with you!’ Company Insists She Needs To Keep Her High Speed Internet In A Remote Rural Area, So She Maliciously Complies And Wins
by Trisha Leigh
If you’ve ever been the person who had to call to cancel your internet service (or any utility, really), you know that they have a script to try to keep your service that goes several pages deep.
OP was moving from town out to a rural area with her boyfriend, and knew her internet provider did not have service there.
So, when I was living in the city, I had a contract with my internet provider. (Rogers, for my fellow Canadians)
After a year in my apartment I decided to move in with my then-boyfriend (now-husband) on a farm. A farm on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere.
So I call to cancel my internet.
Me: I need to cancel, I’m moving-
Them: (interrupting me) your service moves with you! You signed a contract for x years and it only ends early if we are unable to provide service!
Me: you ARE unable to provide service, I’m moving to a rural area.
Them: not possible! We provide service to many rural communities. What’s your new postal code? (I provide it) that’s for townname. We have service in townname.
Still, they argued with her, saying they did have service in that town and so she would not be able to get out of her contract for free.
Me: but I’m not living in townname. That’s just my postal address. Im living on a farm OUTSIDE of townname.
Them: repeats contract speech, with the additional offer of an absurd buyout fee if I want to cancel my contract early “without cause”
Finally she gave up, asking them to come out and install the faster service in her new home, then.
cue malicious compliance
Me: fine! You know what, I would LOVE hi-speed internet instead of crappy satellite internet! When can you come?
The driver got lost and stuck trying to find her, only to have to confirm right away they couldn’t give her service.
The install guy had to call me three times from the van. Twice because he was lost and a third time because he was stuck in a snow drift.
When he finally arrived it took him about 30 seconds to determine that there is obviously no infrastructure for hi-speed internet.
She gave him hot coffee, he canceled her contract and took her equipment back.
I offered him hot coffee for his trouble coming out and he happily cancelled my service free of charge and accepted my equipment return.
Cost Rogers a 3-4 hour call out when you count the drive, just to try to keep one impossible contract.
I know Reddit loves sticking it to the man!
Apparently other Canadians have had this issue.
Sometimes it’s not all that rude to interrupt.
It even works if you’re not telling the truth, apparently.
Ross and Chandler warned us…
This has been going on since the 80s so it probably won’t change anytime soon.
It’s a ride most of us have to get on.
Even if we know going in its going to be hard to get off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, business, internet service, malicious compliance, outrage, reddit

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