Boss Told Oil Rig Worker That If He Had To Work A Certain Day, Everybody Had To. So The Worker Made That Their Last Day.
by Matthew Gilligan
What happens when someone won’t take an employee at their word, even when they’re as clear as day about what they intend to do?
Well, you just sit back, relax, and later on you can say, “I told you so.”
An oil rig worker talked about what went down at his job with a member of his crew who tried to screw them over…
Fired if I don’t work that day, made it my last day.
A few years back I worked on a relief crew on a drilling rig.
The rig ran 24 hours a day with three shifts. Crews worked 6 days and then 2 days off. My crew would replace a working crew so they could have their 2 days off so we worked mornings 2 days, then afternoons and then nights.
It was common to find someone to take a shift if you wanted an extra day off but the replacement had to have the same abilities. A crew had a driller, Derrickhand, motorman, chainhand, and floorhand.
People started as floorhand and as they learned they would work their way up with more responsibility and more pay. Sometimes when someone changed companies they might take a lower position so it was common to have someone with derrickhand capabilities working motor or chain.
It was time to plan for the holiday season to spend time at home with family.
In September my wife asked about the chances of getting off for Christmas. I checked the calendar and my days off fell on December 24 and 25. Done deal! I have it scheduled off. Then I decided to sweeten the pot.
I found a guy who would work December 22 and 23 for me. Also found one who would work the 26 and 27. I took this to my driller who agreed they could work for me. With my 6 days off I could drive 400 miles to visit family. Things looked pretty sweet, too sweet.
But then the driller on the crew threw a wrench into the whole plan.
The other guys on my crew were in the same position so they all tried to find replacements and two were successful. Unfortunately, the driller only had 3 other guys on the rig who could work for him and none of them wanted to help.
He got mad and said since he couldn’t get the time off none of us could have it off. I reminded him that he had already approved my time and he said that was canceled and if I didn’t work on Dec 23 then I was a run off MF (fired).
So they decided that they would rather quit than put up with this kind of treatment.
I told him fine, I will work the 23rd but that will be my last day of work. Consider this my 3 month notice.
At work, nothing much was said for the next few weeks. Outside of work I was networking and found another job I could start the first week of January.
All was set. At the end of my shift on the 23rd I emptied my work locker and said my goodbyes.
It was time to head home.
The driller barely acknowledged me. Went home and drove to see family the next day. Spent a relaxing week there and then came back to start my new job.
But then they got a bit of a surprise about what was really going on at their old job.
About the end of January I went to a friend’s birthday party. There I saw one of my old crew. He asked me when I was going to go back to work. The driller thought I was just sulking around and would come crawling back soon.
He never hired a replacement and they had been working short handed for over a month. I said he better hire somebody.
I wasn’t playing games and when I said I quit I meant it.
Here’s what folks had to say on Reddit.
One individual said this is what happens when good workers are treated the right way.
Another reader said he did the right thing.
This person said this happens all the time…to certain people.
Another reader said he stood up for himself and that’s a good thing.
Some folks just won’t take other people at their word.
And this is what happens!

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