Delivery Driver Is Told He Can’t Prop The Door Open, So He Buzzes For Help Every Single Time. – ‘This crotchety old fossil is always causing problems.’
by Trisha Leigh
Everyone has a bad day now and again. It’s important to remember that when dealing with strangers – and also to realize that you don’t know the people on the street well enough to guess how petty they could be.
OP is a delivery driver, and found himself with a large load of bookcases to load up and drop off. When they arrived, the guard at the front desk gave them a doorstop and told them to go ahead and prop it, since they had so much.
We got a call about moving a large load of bookshelves to a rather large industrial building. We loaded up two 18 foot box trucks full of shelves and were ready to move. When we arrived at the building, we pulled around to the loading dock and began off loading the shelves.
As we were bringing stuff off the truck, I went to building security to open the door. (There had been a recent string of shootings in our area and everyone was locking all the doors.)
They handed me a door stop and told me I could prop the door open since we have a large load. So I propped open the door and we got going.
One load in, though, an employee ran out and insisted they could not prop the door.
We no more had the first pallet off the truck when the building’s maintenance manager came running towards us. He screamed at us “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU CANNOT HAVE THAT DOOR PROPPED OPEN!!!”
Now this man looked like he was somewhere between the ages of 76 and 105. He was as red as I’ve ever seen anyone. I calmy told him that security gave me a doorstop and told me since we have such a large load, we could keep the door propped open. Of course, he wasn’t having it.
Not wanting to argue, OP returned the doorstop and explained the conversation to the front desk. They told him he could go ahead and prop the door, but OP had something else in mind.
At this point, my Native American temper got the better of me.
I replied “Yes sir!” I walked over to the door and picked up the doorstop. I walked back to security and explained the situation.
They rolled their eyes and explained that this crotchety old fossil is always causing problems all over the building.
They told me I could still prop open the door but now I was mad and was feeling petty. He doesn’t want us to prop the door open? Alrighty then.
Instead, he buzzed to be let in with each load – and got, for his trouble, the grumpy employee being interrupted each time.
There was a buzzer outside of the door so I buzzed security asking them if they could open the door. Well guess who’s office was right by said door and thus guess who security called to open the door and let us in? That’s right, fossil man that was two days older than dirt.
He opened the door and let us in. We made our delivery and came back to grab another pallet. I again buzzed security and they again asked fossil man to let us in.
Even when that same employee relented on the doorstop issues, OP refused to go against the rules.
This happened twice more before he stopped me and said “You know if you wanted to keep that door open, you can since you have such a big load.” I replied with the biggest smile on my face “Oh no sir, this door cannot be propped open.
I wouldn’t want to upset anyone by doing that.” He looked at me with a look on his face that was somewhere between murderous and the realization that he had made a huge mistake.
18 pallets later, we had the load delivered. And every single time, guess who had to let us in? It took us a little over 2 hours to get everything finished. The last pallet we delivered, I poked my head into fossil man’s office and said “Thank you so much for your help.” I’m pretty sure he popped a blood vessel.
Let’s see if Reddit is up for this level of petty!
The old guy probably never fancied himself a doorman.
This person thinks security knew what they were doing all along.
They were probably laughing about it, too.
Rules are rules, after all.
You can’t forget to point that out.
This is a good, wholesome story.
I can’t help but wonder if the old guy really did learn his lesson, though.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, business, employee, employment, grumpy employees, job, jobs, malicious compliance, reddit, top, white text

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