November 4, 2023 at 2:24 pm

‘She looked stunned.’ Their Manager Said They Couldn’t Handle Having Two Jobs Because They Were 10 Minutes Late, So They Agreed In The Most Malicious Way Possible

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: AITA/Reddit,Wikimedia Commons

Most managers in the workforce understand that some people choose to or HAVE to work more than one job, and they’re usually pretty flexible about it.

But what is a person supposed to do if their superior just doesn’t get it?

A former Olive Garden employee shared a story on Reddit and talked to readers about what went down when they had to deal with a manager who clearly didn’t get the memo.

I should quit my primary job? Yeah ok….

About 16 years ago, I was working as a greeter at Olive Garden as a second job just to make ends meet. The day before Mother’s Day I was about 10 minutes late punching in to work.

I was coming from my primary job, changed clothes when I got there and punched in.

Enter the clueless manager…

The manager immediately pulled me aside and said that I needed to be more courteous to my coworkers and show up on time as my being late affects other people. I responded that I was aware and I did call in to let them know I would be late and that the person who answered was the person I was taking over for and that she said to take my time because she was just going home and spending the night in alone, no big deal.

This woman then stepped WAY out of bounds with this worker.

The manager laid into me.

She told me that I’m not the type of person that can hack having 2 jobs, that I was too inconsiderate to work 2 jobs, and that maybe I should choose which job I value more and quit the other one, and that if I quit the Olive Garden that I would NOT be welcomed back.

Initially, I thought “well I’m not going to let you chase me away.” But then I realized, this is a second job. I don’t have to be here. I don’t have to let her talk to me that way.

So they did what they felt was necessary.

I went home and told my s/o (who also worked there as a second job) what was said. We mutually decided that I should quit the Olive Garden.

So I went in for my morning Mother’s Day shift wearing my street clothes, went to the back office to find the manager, and said “so, I put a lot of thought into what you said and have decided that you were right and working here, for you, is not for me anymore.”

But the clueless manager STILL didn’t get it…and she got what was coming to her.

She looked stunned and said “Well you’re going to work today, right? You know Mother’s Day is our busiest day of the year, you can’t just up and quit, today of all days!”

I said “Well maybe this will be a lesson for you on how to speak to your employees and how to be a decent human being. Besides, you said yourself I’m too inconsiderate to work here.” and I walked out.

Have not set foot in another Olive Garden since.

Here’s what folks had to say.

Some aren’t fans of Olive Garden.

Source: AITA/Reddit

This reader said this is all on the manager’s shoulders.

Source: AITA/Reddit

Another person was happy all this went down on Mother’s Day.

Source: AITA/Reddit

And this individual said you need to pick the job that’s the most important.

Source: AITA/Reddit

Have you ever had a boss try to convince you to quit one of your jobs?

That’s not cool AT ALL!