Why Don’t Gen Z And Millenials Want To Work Anymore? A Woman Explains Why And Her Reasons Are Compelling. – ‘We still can’t afford to even get by.’
by Laura Lynott
Do you want to work? Because I do. I get bored if I don’t work.
But a recent clip is going mega viral because of a young woman explaining why current generations are fed up with the daily grind.
@thatginger4567 vocalized how the cost of living has gone up so much that even with a full-time job and several side hustles, she’s still struggling to afford rent and just survive.
So, all in all, this underrated lifestyle, was putting her and her generation in a tough spot!
She told her followers: “I don’t want to work anymore. And now everyone who’s not going to watch the full video can go comment about how lazy I am, how lazy my generation is, and how we just don’t want to work anymore. And now for those that are still here, I will explain what we mean by that.”
I bet you’re all ears, right?
She said: “I DO want to work. If I didn’t work, I think I would honestly probably get so bored… Most of us want to work. Work helps gives you purpose. It helps give you something to do. Hopefully you do something you’re passionate about. Luckily for me, I do do something I’m passionate about. So I genuinely like my job.”
That’s a relief then… BUT now she’s gonna get right to the point. Sit back and listen up!
Here’s the kicker and it’s a BIG kicker.
She said: “But the problem is the purpose of a job is supposed to pay for you to be able to afford to live. And that’s just not the case anymore. People in my generation, who went to college, who did everything they were supposed to do, worked hard in school, went to a good college, graduated with their degree, yada yada, got their first job. And they can’t afford to live.”
Listen up y’all.
She continued: “And we’re working 40 to 60 hours a week like on average, and we cannot afford to live. We just do not make enough to pay rent to pay for food. Everything is so expensive right now, and wages are not keeping up with the cost of living. So, we are working full-time, giving up a huge portion of our lives to work and we can’t even afford to live. That is why my generation is frustrated. That is why we don’t want to work anymore, because we work really hard. And we still can’t afford to even get by so like what’s the point?”.
Anyone in their right mind, has to understand this young woman’s message, surely?!
Watch the full video here:
@thatginger4567 Why my generation is so “lazy” #costoflivingcrisis #inflation #genz #millenials #postgrad #recession
The internet is mostly backing her up too.
Here’s what folks thought:
This person actually does not want to work. At least they want to take a few years off.
There’s that phrase again… depression.
This guy’s story just echoes the young woman’s.
And it seems like people are just burnt out because they can’t get ahead.
So, does this young woman make a good point?
Seems like a lot of people think so!

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