Daughter Finds Out Elder Care Facility For Her Parent Wants To Charge $8k A Month. – ‘Who’s gonna pay that?’
by Laura Lynott
The last of the baby boomer generation is about to turn 60 soon, and that means there’s a lot more folks who are needing care as they’re ageing.
If you’re one of those folks whose parents are getting older and trying to juggle their busy lives, you’ll totally understand this woman’s pain.
@wellwithtiffany told her followers on TikTok: “I called an elder care facility to find out pricing for like, assisted living, for potentially one of my parents.
Yeah, it was expensive.
“They said, $8000-a-month – at least. At least, $8,000.
And she asks the question any of us would ask if we were put in that situation, “Who’s gonna pay that?”
Well, it seems Tiffany, the system thinks we all have a lot of cash just hanging around for times like this. They appear to believe that our rainy day fund is just gathering dust some place.
I feel for you. Things gotta change for elder care to be more affordable, or hey, free!
That’s a great standard too!
That would be what you’d call a great world, wouldn’t it?
Watch the full clip here:
@wellwithtiffany This is the conversation we need to start having #eldercare
And of course people react here:
Crazy prices. Just for our elderly to be cared for…
So sad.
What’s worse is that the people who work at these facilities don’t even make a living wage.
How is this possible?!
With things getting more and more expensive, it’s doubtful this situation will get better.
Keep your chin up, Tiffany.
Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.

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