Her Future Daughter-In-Law Lied About Her To The Entire Family. Should She Forgive Her? – ‘I just screenshotted the texts and sent it to all the family.’
by Trisha Leigh
As much as we want to believe that when our kids grow up and get married we’ll all be one big happy family, well…sometimes things don’t work out the way we hope.
OP is young, only 44, and her eldest child is getting married. She says she doesn’t have any major beef with her future daughter-in-law, but a few times she has said OP said something she didn’t.
My eldest is going to get married soon, and I have a beautiful wedding dress that I have promised my daughter that she can wear.
It’s basically a beaded ball gown. I have issues with my future DIL, nothing major but she has spread words I didn’t say.
I’m only 44.
At the beginning I thought she was just misunderstand what I was saying or I did say something that made her mad so I started to only interact with her through texts or when other people are around.
So, she decided to start interacting through text whenever possible – which came in handy when her DIL asked to wear her wedding gown.
OP declined, saying she didn’t want DIL to make alterations because she already promised the dress to her own daughter.
I haven’t had to use any of my messages until now. She tried to call me earlier this week and I told her I was busy and to text it.
I am glad I did.
She wanted to use my wedding dress and do alterations to it. I told her no since I promised my daughter that it is hers.
Sure enough, a day later OP was getting told that she should be more welcoming to her DIL.
The next day I got a ton of texts from family members about me not being welcoming and telling her that she isn’t my kid.
I got so many that I just screenshotted the texts and sent it to all the family. Whole family was upset she lied to them.
OP shared her receipts and only then did her DIL call to apologize. Instead of saying all was forgiven, OP told her not to do it again.
I got on a FaceTime call with my son and her, my daughter was in the room during this.
She gave an apology and I told her not to do it again.
Now my son and her are angry that I didn’t say I forgive you.
Should she have accepted the apology and forgiven the transgression? Let’s hear what Reddit has to say on the matter!
The top comment says OP’s response was reasonable.
This person is also wondering what all of this is really about.
And this commenter hopes OP’s son is taking notes.
Also, maybe OP should have asked a few more questions.
This person thinks she has the DIL figured out.
This is one of those situations that could escalate.
I hope OP’s dress is somewhere safe.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parent’s 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, daughter in law, daughter in law sneaky, dress, family, fashion, lies, marriage, not forgiving daughter in law, picture, reddit, top, wedding

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