December 16, 2023 at 3:50 am

His Son Has No Intention To Do Anything After He Graduates High School, So Dad Threatens To Kick Him Out Of The House

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA/@Subject-Hospital-493

I don’t understand people who want to do absolutely NOTHING in life.

No job, no school, nothing at all…just watching the time go by…

So I can understand why this father is so worked up about his son’s situation.

But did he take things too far?

Check out what’s going on in the story below.

AITA for telling my son he has to go to university, get a job, or get out?

“My wife and I have three children. They are 17, 15, and 10.

The oldest isn’t exactly motivated.

My oldest has no intention to do anything after high school. At least none he has made clear to us.

So I gave him the same ultimatum my parents gave me.

Either go to university, get a job, or get out.

I chose to travel the world for two years. I had a lot of sailing experience and my father had a lot of friends in that community so I was able to sail around the world earning money and working my *** off.

It wasn’t a two year vacation.

This guy has worked hard his whole life.

My family is well off and I could have chosen an indolent life.

But I knew I would be a disappointment if I chose that. So when I got back I enrolled in university and eventually went to work for the family business.

And his wife doesn’t agree with him.

My wife thinks that I’m being unfair to our poor baby boy throwing him out into the world.

I’m not.

We have the money to pay for his university. We have the money for all three kids.

My middle child will probably end up with a good chunk of it in her pocket. She is on track for an academic as well as a golf scholarship.

The 10 year old is 10 and who knows what’s he’s going to do. But he knows the plan. We have not been secretive about this rule.

My wife and I agreed that we would raise productive members of society before we got engaged.

This kid doesn’t want to do ANYTHING.

Her and my son think I’m being cruel to expect him to fend for himself at 18. I have offered him multiple opportunities to do other things. He has no interest in anything beyond his computer.

I am at a loss.

I don’t think I’m wrong for expecting an adult to adult. My parents have already told him that they will not be giving him any money if he isn’t in school or working. My wife is threatening to use her salary to support him. I don’t have any say in that.

I won’t actually kick him out of the house but I will stop paying his bills and cut off our grocery budget by 20%.

If she wants to work so he doesn’t have to there is nothing I can do about that.”

Take a look at how Reddit users reacted.

This person thinks his wife is being too easy on their son.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another Reddit user has a couple of suggestions.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This individual made some good points.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader thinks it’s  weird to not to do ANYTHING at that age.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another person thinks this dad is NTA and that he’s doing his son a favor.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This kid needs to get his *** in gear!

Come on, dude!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.