Dad Leaves 3-Year-Old At Home When Mom Doesn’t Have Him Ready To Go. – ‘I simply cannot be late.’
by Trisha Leigh
Some people have trouble getting to work on time for reasons of their own, but once you throw kids into the mix, leaving the house gets more complicated than you can imagine.
OP has a 3yo son who goes to daycare. His wife can’t drive, so he drops him off and her mother picks him up.
My wife [31F] an I [33M] have a 3-year-old boy. He currently goes to daycare during the day.
I generally drop him off, and then my wife’s mother will pick him up.
My wife cannot drive so she unfortunately cannot take him.
He says he has to leave the house by 8:45 in order to drop off his son and get to work on time.
According to him, he works in a field where there is no leniency as far as being late, a fact his wife knows.
I have found that if I get my son out the door by 8:45, I can get him to daycare and then be on time for work.
Unfortunately, my wife tends to drag her feet with getting him fed and ready, so she has caused me to be late multiple times.
I am in a field where I simply cannot be late, and therefore this situation is unacceptable.
I have been late four times since he started going to daycare, and my wife has only gotten less consistent.
Still, she doesn’t have him ready to go on time.
One day when this happened, OP simply left him home with her.
Last Wednesday, I realized that if I waited for my wife to get him fully ready, I’d be late to work.
I simply walked out the door.
She called me screaming angrily, but I told her that if she didn’t want him to stay home, she should have had him ready on time.
She was angry but he explained his position.
Things were better for a day or two until he had to leave without him again.
The next day she managed to get him out right at 8:45, but on Friday it became clear again that she was going to cause me to be late.
I walked out the door again.
She texted me multiple times, and when I got home at around 11pm, she had a lot to say about it.
His wife thinks he’s being awful but OP doesn’t see a way around needing to leave by a certain time every day.
I don’t think I’m the jerk for my policy seeing as I simply cannot afford to be late to work, but I wonder if there’s something I’m not seeing here.
Is there something else he could do? You know Reddit will tell him if they see a way!
The top comment says they need some more information.
This person agrees that there seems to be a lot more going on here.
They have some harsh words for OP’s wife.
No one can imagine this working out for very long.
Everyone feels for OP, who is clearly working himself to the bone.
I can’t see watching someone you supposedly love killing themselves so I can do nothing.
Bless this guy’s heart. He’s trying.
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