‘We don’t have that in the register.’ – Entitled Couple Demands Cash When They Return $3000 Worth Of Computers
by Ryan McCarthy
“The customer is always right.” That’s the golden rule of customer service, unless, that is, you’re watching any viral customer-cashier interaction, like ever.
From demanding their money back after eating the whole meal, to the time-tested request for a manager, customers are actually very often in the wrong!
Well, according to the internet, the couple in this Tiktok posted by user @sarah_conner1 fall sqaurely into that category, after they were shown demanding their money back in cash for $3000 worth of computers!
Check it out!
This user’s video starts in the middle of a heated argument between a couple and a Best Buy employee about a return they are making.
The couple is emphatically demanding their money back in cash, while the employee is trying to tell them they don’t have that much cash in the entire store!
Despite the employee’s reassurance that a check will be mailed to the couple, the man is having none of it.
“You’re just gonna hold my money hostage like that?”
When she says again that the check will be mailed to them, the couple has a problem with how long that would take. (A week)
“No that’s ridiculous. I want my money right now!”
“We don’t have that cash amount. We don’t have it in this register, and we don’t have it any register!”
The couple responds by demanding to see the superivsor, only to find out that she is the supervisor!
The man is only further enraged by this,
“I’m giving you all of this money and you guys don’t wanna give none of it back, and I have receipts!”
The exasperated woman reminds him ONCE AGAIN, “You just can’t get it cash!”
But this is no good for him, and he demands to know if another store has the cash to give him.
The employee tells him that no Best Buy is allowed to just give him $3000 cash for a return because it is such a large amount.
These people were definitely up to something sketchy, especially with their insistence on needing it in cash!
Check out the video:
@sarah_conner1 fustrated Best Buy customer who paid cash($3000) for his items argues with employee he wants his return in cash #bestbuy #returningitems #ipaidcash #customerserviceproblems
Tiktokers in the comments agreed, with many wondering why they would think $3000 would be in the register in the first place.
Another user pointed out that the policy is stated in bold on the receipt.
This commenter thought they were probably trying some sort of money laundering scheme.
And finally, this user said interactions like these are why so many people quit their retail jobs!
Just a reminder people, the cashiers you’re yelling at aren’t the ones who set policies for national companies!
Be nice to the employees… if you can.
Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.

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