Company Bigwigs Had Silly Rules For The Christmas Party, So One Employee Showed Them The Error Of Their Ways
by Matthew Gilligan
This story is a real doozy…
Most work Christmas parties are done the right way, but then there are ones like the party you’re about to read about that will make you roll your eyes and shake your head.
But the person who wrote it had the last laugh!
Check out what they had to say.
Christmas/Employee Appreciation Party.
“This happened a few years ago, but being this time of year it always makes me laugh to think about it.
I worked at this place for close to 14 years, and I’ve always been the type of person to put up with a lot.
We always had our “Christmas/Employee appreciation” party in January, as December was crazy busy.
I had only been there a few months when we were told about when and where the party would be.
This party had some rules.
A few weeks before, there was a memo posted in the staff room titled “The Rules of Going Out” (I kid you not). Basically it was the owners rules of how things were going to go down for our party. It went like this (she liked to use lots of capital letters and exclamation marks):
The party is for employees ONLY, no spouses.
I will pay for ONE DRINK ONLY!!!
You can have an appetizer or dessert, NOT BOTH!!!
Attendance is MANDATORY!
I thought it was funny, and laughed about it to one of my colleagues; they didn’t laugh and told me that the owner wasn’t joking, she was dead serious. Keep in mind that at the most, there would have been 12 people attending, and that she would completely write this off as a business expense, so why be so cheap?
They went along with the program.
I didn’t want to rock the boat so the first year I just toed the line. The next year the same memo appeared a few weeks before the party (pretty sure she just saved it to the computer and printed it off every year).
The second year and the few years after that we still went out to a restaurant I thought, fine, you’re going to be that cheap in “appreciating” all the hard work we do all year (plus not treating us very nicely)? Fine.
Cue malicious compliance.
Everyone orders their drinks before their meal, I get water. She looks at me and asks, “Aren’t you going to order a drink?” I tell her yes, but I will have it with dessert as I can’t drink without eating anything first (true). Everyone orders a glass of wine, a cocktail, what have you.
I’ll take THAT ONE!
We eat our entrees, then the dessert menu comes.
I ask if they have a scotch menu; they do, and she asks to look at it when I am done with it (they also had those fancy coffees on there as well).
I order my dessert, and look at the scotch menu and order the most expensive per ounce scotch they have (about $26 bucks an ounce at the time).
I’m not going to waste my “one drink only” on a $7 glass of wine, I’m getting the most expensive scotch there is, and make a point of savouring it.
“Mmm mmm! So good! I’ve never had this one before!”
I get the ***** glare, but hey, I’m enjoying my ONE DRINK ONLY!!!
Still makes me laugh.”
Let’s see what folks said on Reddit.
One reader talked about their own job.
This reader had a wild story to tell.
This Reddit user said they don’t blame them for doing this.
Another individual had another drink in mind.
Hats off to a job well done!
We hope you enjoyed that fancy drink!
Want to read another story where somebody got satisfying revenge? Check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · black text, jobs, malicious compliance, reddit, top, work, work parties, working
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