Her Grandparents Left Them A Big Inheritance, But Her Cousin Is Demanding More
by Trisha Leigh
It’s a sad state of affairs, but the loss of a family member who has a lot of money can have a negative effect on the people who are left.
Money does funny things to people, and most of the time, those things aren’t all that positive.
OP was close to her grandmother, who recently passed.
My grandmother passed away recently. I was incredibly close with her as was my little sister.
My grandfather preceded her by about 6 months, and she was ready to go.
One of her cousins made choices her grandmother didn’t agree with.
I have 4 cousins, but the focus of this story is on one of them, lets call her Eve. Eve has 5 children with 4 different fathers.
My grandmother was never happy with Eve as her first child was born when Eve was just 15.
When the will was read, the cousin was unhappy.
The estate lawyers, or whatever they’re called, the ones who were in charge of executing my grandparents will, called us and my parents, aunts, uncles, and my four cousins all go to the reading of the will.
We all read it out and find out that my grandparents left their grandchildren, not great grandchildren mind you, equal parts of their estate. In total each grandchild got about 1.2 million in inheritance after taxes through stocks, land, etc.
Except for Eve.
My grandparents had, evidently, made it so that her share of the will was to be divided up between Eve and her children.
This did not go over well, at all.
Once the lawyers left, Eve stood up and demanded that the grandchildren pool their inheritances and split it evenly between both them and Eves kids.
OP stood up to her, but isn’t sure whether or not her view is skewed, as she’s not a mom.
I’m the only one who really stands up to her, and I plainly state that I won’t be giving her anything and that this was her problem not ours.
A few days later I am being bombarded by Eve’s parents and her sister. They’re saying that I should not deprive Eve of her rightful share of the inheritance just because she wanted to become a mother.
That it wasn’t fair what my grandparents did and that this could set things right. I’ve blocked them all, but Eve must be hounding my other cousins as well because they’re beginning to give in.
This has left me wondering, am I the asshole for not being willing to give up my inheritance for kids that aren’t even mine/I really do not like?
You know Reddit is going to set her straight.
The top comment says she’s just following her grandmother’s wishes.
The bottom line is that she’s still getting a lot of money.
And why is she upset her children received an inheritance?
She’s pretty much looking at it all wrong.
Which should have been a bit load off.
OP is in no way obligated to give her cousin more money.
That should honestly be the end of the story.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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