Husband Keeps Bugging Wife To Spend Some Alone Time With Him Even Though She’s Exhausted. So She Snaps And Tells Him To Find Something Else To Do.
by Matthew Gilligan
This woman sounds like she is OVER IT these days.
And who can blame her?
It sounds like she’s having a really rough go of it…
But she wants to know if she took things a little bit too far with her husband…
Read on to get all the details so you can make up your mind.
AITA for telling him I didn’t want to hang out with him when the kids went to bed?
32f. I have 4 kids. 13, 12, 9 and 4mo (yeah, I know, don’t come at me).
As of 4 weeks ago, the kids school shut down completely due to water damage and a fallen roof in the gymnasium/cafeteria.
They should be returning fairly soon, I would think. Until then, virtual learning.
Things are tough for her right now.
I’m honestly just having a rough time with the lack of decompression time.
The kids are simply more rambunctious than usual due to lack of stimulation and sitting at a computer screen for learning (same thing happened during COVID) but add a baby who is going through sleep regression, whom sleeps ALL day and is up quite literally all night and you get one tired mama who has zero down time.
It won’t last forever and that’s what I keep telling myself but right now, I seriously just need a breather without entertaining or answering questions or being touched.
Her husband doesn’t get it…
My husband is fully aware of this but for whatever reason, he feels it doesn’t apply to him.
So on the off chance that the baby does go to bed at a decent time (when the other kids are in bed) he assumes I want to spend every second of that time with him.
I understand how important it is to maintain that closeness with him but right now I’m touched out.
So him touching me and trying to “get a piece” or trying to talk about our finances (which we already talk about when the kids are awake) is exhausting.
Especially considering he gets down time.
After the kids go to bed, he goes to his office to do whatever for 2-3 hours while I try to get the baby down.
It’s just that the second she is asleep, in his head it’s like a “oh, kids are all asleep, my turn to get attention.” Even if he sees that I’ve opened a book or put in headphones.
And it’s just getting increasingly frustrating because like I said, the baby is up all night and she’s at an age where she wants me to be fully engaging with her (talking, holding, playing) or she gets fussy.
She can’t get a break.
So everyone here right now is just constantly begging for my attention, while I’m just begging for 30 minutes of being left alone.
And like I said, my husband is fully aware of this. I’ve told him. He simply thinks it does not apply to him.
So, last night I got the baby to bed around 9ish and my husband comes in and says “wanna watch a movie”, so I said no and that I wanted to read but he could watch the movie beside me so we are still together or whatever.
But he kept making comments.
“Babe, you don’t even want to watch this? It’s funny.”
Or “did you see that?” and then proceeds to rewind the movie so I can see even though I said I didn’t want to.
Lastly the “you don’t even wanna give me that butt?”
At this point I’m fuming mad because I haven’t made it through 2 pages uninterrupted and I snapped.
I said, “Will you just leave me alone? Why do I have to keep repeating myself to you?”
He turns off the movie and storms off to the office, while saying “I just wanted to hang out with you” and now I feel bad but I need to be left alone for once.
Check out how Reddit users reacted.
This person said she’s NTA and her husband needs to wake up.
Another individual asked a good question…
This reader understands where the husband is coming from.
Another reader said her husband seems clueless.
And one individual said she’s NTA and her husband needs to be more in tune with her needs.
Sorry pal, it ain’t happening.
Maybe some other time!
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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