Man Says He’ll Babysit His Own Child As A Christmas Present To His Wife, And People Are Not Having It
by Matthew Gilligan
What a guy!
Babysitting your own child as a gift to your wife!
She’d better not let this one get away!
A video posted to TikTok went viral and got all kinds of people talking because some folks just couldn’t believe what they were seeing…
The video comes to us from a social media couple named Rafal and Iyah.
Iyah talked to viewers and said, “So, I just got back from the store, and my husband goes, ‘Did you enjoy your time? That was the other half of my Christmas gift.’”
Rafal then told her that “freedom” was the other gift Iyah then explained that he said, “‘You were gone for two hours, and I babysat. Your gift was freedom. I love you,’ and he kissed me.”
Rafal also said that the “freedom” he gave Iyah was the “greatest gift of all for a mother.”
Obviously, this video got a lot of people talking, and in a comment the couple wrote, “It’s called sarcasm/humor. We’re amazed how many people believed we meant it.”
But not everyone was convinced…
Here’s the original video.
@rafal_and_iyah The best gift I could wish for 😜❤️ love u babe
And then it was time for someone else to weigh in…
A woman named Shawnda responded to what happened in her own video and said, “I don’t know the ins and outs of their relationship, but I don’t have to. I’m simply reacting to the video that she posted.”
Shawnda then said, “What do you mean he gifted you the gift of freedom for two hours while he babysat his own child? Sir, you don’t babysit your own child. She’s not babysitting when you leave. When you’re gonna go play golf or going to work or doing whatever, she’s not babysitting.”
Shawnda had plenty more to say about this!
Hear it all in the video below.
@lifecoachshawn A mom returns from a two hour shopping trip to her husband who tells her to consider that time a part of her Christmas. #datingtips #relationships #marriage #dating #weaponizedincompentence @Shawnda
Take a look at how people reacted.
This viewer thinks she needs to STAND UP.
Another individual asked if this is real…
And one TikTokker said she’s never had to deal with anything like this before…
Yeah, this guy needs to step up and take responsibility.
Or maybe it’s all a joke.
Who know these days, right?
If you liked that story, check out this one about a woman who went on a date with somebody who was 10 years older than her. Find out what happened!

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