Savvy Consumer Reveals How To Pay $0 On Your Internet Bills With The Affordable Connectivity Program. – ‘I applied and got approved immediately!’
by Chris Allen
The internet’s tipsters helpline strikes again!
This is what it’s all about. Strangers helping strangers, passing along knowledge.
And when that knowledge extends to how to save a dollar, people come a-runnin’.
Well one woman on TikTok, a wealth attainment coach named Nina, has some sage advice for us all.
So listen up.
She starts off her mini-TED talk saying that she knows people who pay $0/month for internet…!
Ok now I’m listening.
“It’s the Affordable Connectivity Program – this is an FCC benefit program that ensures households can afford WiFi.”
She explains further, “They take up to $30 off your cable bill.”
“The website will also tell you how to qualify, but make sure you sign up.”
I mean you’ve got me sold! Where do I sig – oh wait. She literally just said.
Now this particular enrollment period was slated to end on Feb. 7th.
But I would keep periodically checking back to see if they re-up the program later this year.
Make sure to check out her breakdown here:
@nina_moneymentor I think the Affordable Connectivity Program is so cool because it seems that Wi-Fi and cable prices have skyrocketed over the past couple of years. Now I feel like I’m back in the 2010’s! 😌 But yes, one of my friends told me they are paying zero dollars a month! #affordableconnectivityprogram #triballands #internetbill #highspeedinternet
Let’s see what folks had to say, shall we?
One commenter had some great advice on an alternative in the meantime.
Another person had a great tip on the college student side of things.
And the internet doth provide!
Seriously, I’m checking this one out now!
Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.

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