Teacher Accused Student Of Faking An Injury, So Her Mom Fought Back And Taught The Teacher A Valuable Lesson In Humility
by Trisha Leigh
Everyone in this world has different abilities and different ways of looking at things.
If you’re a teacher, I imagine one of the challenging parts of your job is navigating a whole room (or rooms) full of kids with these differing needs and issues.
OP has had medical challenges since she was born.
I, (15,F) have had a long and elaborate history with injuries, especially breaking my arm. Starting from literally the day I was born, my health has been complicated.
I have a few conditions but none serious enough to impact my dayly life as I know it. I have a very weak immune system and somewhat easy to break bones.
On top of that, I am the definition of clumsy, and I’m also a huge idiot who gets herself into dangerous situations for fun.
My mom (40, F) has obviously known me from birth and knows just the extent of my weird bad luck and health issues.
Some of her teachers have accused her of being dramatic over the years, which has led to certain challenges.
I’ve broken my arms a collective 13 times over my entire life, and almost every time I got injured or sick, it seems somebody had something to say about it. Idk why but teachers just love to say that students that get hurt often are attention seeking fakers, and alot of relationships with authority figures have been harmful because of this.
Every time it’s the same. For some reason a teacher doesn’t believe me, they call me a liar infront of everyone, I get bullied for a while, and then I have to try and prove that I’m not faking.
I could post so many stories about teachers doing this but this is a story about the time my mom actually managed to get revenge.
Recently, this came to a head with her history teacher.
This all took place around 7th grade. I was 12 at the time and I had broken my wrist by climbing on top of something I wasn’t supposed to and then falling off like a dumb—.
My wrist was in a velcro cast since I’m very allergic to the regular cast material (as they figured out through many cases of trial and error).
My teacher.. let’s call her Mrs.Tablet since this took place while we were learning about Egyptian tablets. She taught history and our personalities clashed a bit.
I’m more of a creative, adventurous, free thinker type and she was very conservative, by-the-book, and propper. We hadn’t had any real issues before this but we just didn’t mesh well. She was absent one day and we had a sub in.
I knew the sub as one of my teachers friends and one of my bullies mom. I didn’t like her but I was still respectful in class and just tried to get my work done.
She got me in trouble for doodling on my paper once or twice but other then that everything was fine, or so I thought.
The next day I went into class like usual. We were working on an assignment about Egypt and their tables when Mrs.Tablet called me over to her desk.
I went over, thinking she’d just get onto me for drawing on the back of my homework or something, only to get bombarded with a bunch of really weird questions. The interaction went something like:
Teacher: So, Fire, do you know why I’ve called you up here? (I know Fire isn’t my reddit name but it’s my irl nickname so I’m using it here)
Me: No ma’am, I can’t say that I do.
Teacher: How long have you had that cast?
Me: About a week now.. why?
Teacher: Do you really need that cast?
Me: Uh.. yes?
Teacher: Well the substitute told me she saw you take it off.
Me: It’s a cast, I can’t take it off, it would hurt.
Teacher: So if I asked the class they’d say you need that cast.
Me: Yes??
Teacher: And if I called your parents right now they’d say the same thing.
Me: Yes, they were the ones to took me to the hospital.
And she did this infront of the WHOLE CLASS.
The woman wouldn’t let it go – then she made the mistake of calling OP’s mom.
I was eventually dismissed and people looked at me weird for the rest of class. As I later learned, apparently the substitute had told Mrs.Tablet that I’d taken off my cast as soon as I left class, (I didn’t) and that I threw it in my locker like “hahaha, I’m getting away with doing less work.”
So basically she pretended I was a bad guy in a crappy highschool movie.
Idk why she said this but it had my teacher convinced that I was a liar and a fake. I technically could remove my cast since it was velcro but that would’ve been extremely painful and It’s not like I could just walk around without it. I wasn’t going to make a big deal about it at the time but it turns out she was serious about calling my parents. But she made the mistake of calling my mom.
Now me and my mother don’t have a perfect relationship (she has anger issues so we don’t always get along well), but she loves me very much and doesn’t let people like this mess with me if she can stop it.
According to my mom, Mrs.Tablet called her all cocky and said things like “Apparently your daughter is wearing a cast, did you know that?” And “Well we all know how dramatic teenage girls can be. Especially unique kids like her.”
She apparently even threatened to have me suspended before my mom stopped her and tore her to shreds for talking about her child like that.
She mom’d it up, and we’re all proud.
I don’t think I’m allowed to repeat what was said but by the end, Mrs.Tablet had to retreat with her tail tucked between her legs. She started being even more cold to me after that day and started giving me unfair detentions for not sitting still and doodling on the side of my worksheets.
Even then, outside of school we went to the same art studio sometimes. (Weird that someone who hates art so much likes to paint) and poisoned the art director against me and got me put into a lower class. When my mom found out about this, she started the real revenge.
My mom has never been a PTA mom. She honestly can’t stand most of the PTA members and their kids are chosen as favorites at my school and use this power to bully others, including me and my friends.
My mom is however friends with a very lovely woman on the county’s school board, which has more power then the PTA. She told her friend everything that had happened and supplied all the doctors notes needed to prove I needed my cast.
Her friend managed to convince the rest of the board that Mrs.Tablet was discriminating against an impared student (given her comments about me being slower at work and just wearing the cast to slack off) along with detentions related to me not sitting still when she knew I had nervous movements and slight adhd.
At the art studio, my mother pulled me from the classes. I took it upon myself to inform the fellow kids about why, and rumors spread quickly.
Soon enough kids were getting pulled left and right and my art teacher was pulling at strings to try and get the situation under control. I actually think the studio went into temporary closer before reopening again.
She was suspended for a week to go under investigation and it turns out she treated alot of the “unique”, as she put it, students in a similar way. She was verbally reprimanded by two different departments, and instead of getting her standard raise over the next three years, she’ll only get half of that.
Not only that but she had to retake a corse on how to properly treat students, and if she’s ever caught to cross this line again, she’ll loose tenure. She’ll just be getting her bonus back at the start of next school year and I’d just like to say that I hope she learned her lesson 🙂
I bet Reddit is thinking a teacher should have learned a long time ago not to mess with a mad mom!
What is with this trend?
It’s like these people have never met an actual child.
Others are concerned that she hasn’t been diagnosed.
Even if it was just attention-seeking, this is not the way to handle it.
Apparently it could get even worse.
I am so happy this girl’s mom stood up for her.
It seems like it was a little past time.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · angry mom, bad teacher, children, kids, mother, picture, pro revenge, teacher calls kid dramatic, teachers, top

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