February 8, 2024 at 2:14 pm

Woman Bought A Cybertruck And People Won’t Leave Her Alone About It. – ‘We have been stopped at stoplights.’

by Justin Gardner

Source: TikTok/@thesouthernrealtor

Tesla’s Cybertruck has to be the most talked about car in the past 50 years.

From its futuristic shape to its all metal, bulletproof exterior, it’s obvious why people have strong opinions about it.

But what is it like to actually own one?

TikToker Michelle Abner recently took to her account to talk about the Cybertruck her and her husband had bought and asked the pretty simple question, “Wanna know what it’s like to have a Cybertruck?”

Yeah we do!

But first she has a compliment, “Ya did good Elon. Ya did good.”

Source: TikTok/@thesouthernrealtor

Apparently they get questions constantly!

“We have been stopped at stoplights already and people want to talk to us about it. The cops want to know about it. We already talked to two different cops in Burleson.”

Wow! I bet that would help with avoiding tickets!

Source: TikTok/@thesouthernrealtor

She sums it up pretty simply:

“We’re at Lowe’s right now picking up some lumber. People just want to know about this thing.”

Source: TikTok/@thesouthernrealtor

Check out the video:


Whats it like to be driving one of the first Cybertrucks in DFW? Everyone wants to see it! #cybertruck #tesla #teslatok #teslacybertruck #crazy #2024 #24hours

♬ Solas x Interstellar – Gabriel Albuquerqüe

She also posted some follow up videos of the truck, which shows how the truck bed gets covered up…


It’s a truck!! Cybertruck bed. #Cybertruck #tesla #new #cybertex #elon #elonmusk #truck #truckbed #itsatruck

♬ Still Hot – Nic D & Connor Price

And hauling a trailer…


Cybertruck pulling a trailer. Cybertex pulled it like a champ! #burleson #burlesontx #tesla #cybertruck #smallbusiness #realestate #homerenovation #bigtex #bigtexrenovations #cybertex #pinegreen #carwrap #fortworth #dfw #trailer

♬ Fire for You (Sped Up) – Cannons

And what the interior looks like at night…


Cybertruck interior at night #cybertruck #tesla #teslacybertruck #interior

♬ marys_theme.mp4 – joanna sui

The coolest part? The apparently had it wrapped to feature their business. That’s some solid advertising.


CyberTex is wrapped! Bring on the business! We do new builds, home remodels, kitchens, baths and anything inbetween! Thanks to @Dynamic Graphics for the awesome wrap! #burleson #burlesontx #tesla #cybertruck #smallbusiness #realestate #homedecor #newbuilds #homerenovation #bathrooms #kitchens #roofing #additions #bigtex #bigtexrenovations #dfw #fortworth #carwrap #pinegreen #cybertex

♬ Retro 80s – MaxKoMusic

So are people impressed?

Not as much as you’d think…

Source: TikTok/@thesouthernrealtor

Tiktokers don’t like the look…

Source: TikTok/@thesouthernrealtor

And some car owners are understanding her situation…

Source: TikTok/@thesouthernrealtor

Hmmm… I’m not sure this truck is gonna be a bestseller.

But it definitely has people talking.

All in all, I’d call that a win for Tesla!

Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.