Woman Doesn’t Want to Fetch Her Own Darts, So Guy Throws Them As High As He Can To Teach Her A Lesson
by Addison Sartino
Gotta love a bit of friendly competition!
One man took to Reddit to share his story of keeping the game moving.
We used to play darts every friday at work, just as a fun thing to do before the weekend.
We had our own simplified house-rules, and tried to keep it fun and casual.
3 darts, 5 round, highest score wins.
The man liked playing darts with his friends, but didn’t like when people were slow to fetching their darts.
Most of the time people picked up their own darts after throwing, but sometimes they forgot.
I suggested having a small penalty for doing so, to encourage speedy play. Throw 3 darts, pick them up, next player.
Mary insisted that it would be much better if the NEXT person picked up the darts, since they were going to use them next.
Me and Tom disagreed, but she wouldn’t budge.
Despite losing majority vote, Mary insisted on her idea.
It was Tom’s turn, and after Tom it would be Mary’s turn.
Tom threw his darts as high up on the wall as he could, putting them just under the ceiling.
Mary had to get a chair to climb up and pull the darts out.
Now the rule is you pick up your own darts after throwing.
Reddit users had fun making punny comments on this story.
One person said that the writer “popped” her idea.
Another reader said he “hit the target.”
And this person said it’s always good to “aim high” in life.
Maybe Mary’s next idea will be a bullseye, but this round goes to Tom!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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