Her Husband Bought A Motorcycle Without Telling Her, So She Put Restrictions On Where He Can Ride It
by Matthew Gilligan
I think motorcycles are really cool, but I don’t think you’ll catch me on one anytime soon.
If I’m being totally honest, they scare the **** out of me!
So I can understand where this woman is coming from in regard to her husband’s situation…
Is she taking things too far?
Here’s what she had to say.
AITA for making “rules” regarding husband’s new motorcycle?
“My husband, unbeknownst to me, bought a motorcycle from his best friend at work. It’s a sturdy, old Honda from the early aughts in near-mint condition.
She’s NOT cool with this.
I’m horrified. My mother is a nurse and raised us to believe, “We have a term in the ER for motorcyclists, we call them organ donors.”
Made my brother and I promise to never to ride on or get one.
And there’s a little one to think about, too…
We have a beautiful 6 month old baby at home, our first.
Initially, I demanded he return it, but he said it was his “lifelong dream” to own a bike & kept saying how great it would be on gas.
So I said, ok, keep it, but don’t drive it over 30 MPH & don’t take it out of our neighborhood. (We have a lot of side roads).”
Here’s how people reacted on Reddit.
This person shared their advice.
Another Reddit user shared their own story.
This Reddit user wouldn’t put up with a motorcycle.
One reader spoke up.
This person is shocked this guy is trying to pull this.
Rules are rules!
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, marriage, motorcycle, motorcycles, picture, reddit, relationships, top

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