April 5, 2024 at 11:38 pm

This Man’s 10-Year-Old Nephew Won’t Stop Misbehaving, So He Told Him That No One in the Family Likes Him

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA/@Downtown_Wrap_7862

Well, this sounds pretty harsh

Telling a 10-year-old kid that no one likes him?


But let’s wait to pass judgment until we get all the details, okay?

Read the story below and YOU decide if this guy was out of line.

AITA for telling my nephew the truth, that no one in the family likes him?

“This involves me (25 M), my sister “Diana” (31 F), and her son “Darius” (10 M).

There’s a big problem.

I get along with my Diana fine, I won’t pretend I like Darius. I think he’s an entitled brat who has gotten away with **** far too many times. I don’t think Diana has ever reprimanded him, and every time the little **** acts up Diana makes excuses for him.

He’s already been suspended from school for stealing, he’s a bully to all his cousins, and I know for a fact no one in my family likes him at all. Both of my parents cannot stand him.

Grandma won’t even watch him!

My mother, a woman who could find the love in her heart to babysit a honey badger, refuses to watch Darius at all because of his behavior.

My father will take all of the grandkids out to fish every few months, except for Darius because he’s to tempted to throw him out into the lake and drive off (his words, not mine.)

On Monday, I got a call from my sister who panicked because she got called into work. Darius was out of school and her babysitter was not available.

No one else in the family will watch Darius so I told her to drop him off and I would watch him. It was a nightmare. Darius was mad he had to spend his day off at my place.

This kid is bad news.

He refused to do anything I offered, made a mess in my bathroom, harassed my dog, and had a tantrum because I would not let him use my work computer to play games.

By lunchtime, I was frustrated beyond all belief. I made him mac and cheese and he demanded I take him to Wendy’s. He refused to eat and eventually dumped his bowl of food on my floor.

And then he let loose.

At that, I just kinda lost it. I didn’t yell or get aggressive at all. I just sighed and asked him if he realized that everyone in the family literally despised him.

I explained that he was at my house because grandma and grandpa cannot stand him, and in fact refuse to let him come to their house because he acts like a little ****.

I won’t lie, I got pretty brutal.

Here come the waterworks!

He started crying and locked himself in my bathroom until he came out and sat and watched TV till my sister came and got him. I told her what happened and I and her got into a massive argument as well.

She called me cruel and I told her that she’s to blame and he would have learned eventually.

My family is split on this. My dad thinks “the little **** deserved it” while my siblings have mixed opinions. My mother has told me she’s staying out of this but if I feel the need to apologize do it and move on.

What do you people think?”

Let’s see how folks reacted to this story.

This person thought he was cruel.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another individual shared their own story.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This Reddit user had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader thinks they know what might be going on here.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another person said he’s NTA.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Sometimes, the truth hurts…

But still…was he out of line?

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.