May 11, 2024 at 6:49 am

Barbershop Tries To Make Customer Tip 50%, 70% or 90% And People Have A Lot Of Feelings

by Chris Allen

Source: Reddit/r/endTipping, CapablePerformer8582

Tipping culture in America is ballooning out of control and EVERYONE is noticing.

It’s ubiquitous, and it’s obnoxious. It just all feels like a cash grab. Ya know, like the housing market!

Because when someone behind the counter flips around that iPad, you brace for the worst.

“What are they going to start at”, you wonder, “25% then up?”

Well one guy on Reddit got the absolute shock of his fed-up tip-addled life.

Source: pexels

The absolute internal outrage that must have gone through this guy’s mind.

One commenter was absolutely as shocked as the rest of us, saying “With those options I would tip $1.00 or $0.00. That is just ridiculous.”

This image just makes me curl up my fist like Arthur.

Source: Reddit/r/endTipping, CapablePerformer8582

I mean you’d almost expect to see this at a coffee shop.

But also completely believable at a barber.

One person agreed, saying “Just seeing it gives a dirty taste in my mouth.”

It ain’t right folks.

Source: pexels

Check out how so many responded.

This person said HUH UH, no tip.

Source: Reddit/r/endTipping, CapablePerformer8582

Another person completely agreed, then added on.

Source: Reddit/r/endTipping, CapablePerformer8582

While one person here recognized how the barbers are also getting the short end of the stick most likely.

Source: Reddit/r/endTipping, CapablePerformer8582

This commenter wonders how insanely complicated it must be to live in the US.

Source: Reddit/r/endTipping, CapablePerformer8582

That’s a big ZERO from everyone.

If you liked that story, check out this one about a couple who forgot to turn off their ice machine and returned home after 4 months to find their freezer had turn into a frozen cavern.