Disney World Employee Gets “Punished” By Mickey, But His Punishment Only Makes The Staff And The Guests Laugh Harder
by Ryan McCarthy
It is every little kid’s, and some adult’s, dream to go to Disney world!
I know when I was a kid, my family’s trip to Disney World might as well have been to the surface of the moon for how excited I was for it!
From roller coaster rides of your favorite childhood movies to having your most beloved characters brought to life by actors, there’s a reason its called the happiest place on Earth!
But this employee’s story shows that even when he was being “punished” he still couldn’t stop laughing and smiling the whole time!
Check it out!
The Boss wants me to stand in the corner? Okay!
Years ago, I was a photographer at a major theme park and worked with the characters on an almost daily basis. Our famous character is a mouse that owns the whole park.
Everyone who worked there either referred to him as “Boss” or “Mr. Mouse” around guests. For the purposes of this post, I’ll refer to him as Boss.
One morning, I was assigned to work with the Boss. He was in a mischievous mood and being an overall goofball. I enjoyed this and so did our guests/character attendants.
And this mysterious mouse had one trick in particular he loved to pull…
One of his favorite things to do when he was in a mischievous mood was to pass me the autograph books he had signed, conveniently ignoring that I had my hands full with a camera.
As I went to take them, he’d drop them and run away, making a laughing motion. So we’re with this family and Boss does his usual “pass the autograph books to the photographer” stunt.
He holds them out expectantly and I said “I’d love to, Boss, but you know I don’t know my ABC’s.”
But Mr. Mouse was none too pleased at OP’s joke, and soon had a punishment for him!
At this, the Boss drops the books, takes my hand, moves me to a corner and points to the floor, telling me to stay like I was a naughty child. “Okay, I guess I’m grounded.” I said, pouting.
Everyone at this point is howling with laughter, even our head manager (Diane) who had stepped in to watch.
So Boss continues his interaction with the family.
Now at the end of the session, we have the family pose with the character. So Boss gets everyone together and poses with the popular “Ta-Da!”
The picture would have been perfect, if anyone had been there to take it!
Except…there’s no photographer.
After a moment, the Boss motions to the family to wait and stomps over to my corner.
I’m fighting back a grin at this point as he turns me around, points to my camera and then held his hands up as if to say “What gives?!”
“Boss, you told me I’m grounded, remember?” I said with a sweet innocent smile. It’s at this point Diane pipes in with “That you did, Mr. Mouse.”
And even though the family had to do another run to get the pictures they wanted, they were laughing so hard they didn’t even care!
Boss playfully drags me back to my spot and poses again. We get the photo and send the family on their way.
Diane stepped out with them and offered to send them through again to get more pictures because I didn’t take many (on account of me being grounded).
The family accepted…although the Dad (who had tears in his eyes at this point) said it was the hardest he’s laughed in a long time.
To this day, it still brings a smile to my face.
Be careful what you wish for, Mr. Mouse! I’m glad the family had a sense of humor about it, and were just as amused by it as OP’s coworkers!
Reddit loved this wholesome malicious compliance, and this fellow former employee of the Mouse was glad OP enjoyed his time there.
And the reddit pun-lords were already working on how to spin this story…
Finally, this user said stories like OP’s show why people pay such exorbitant prices for Disney World!
I guess it really is the happiest place on Earth, even if you’re in time out!
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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